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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Liability Insurance
- - By makeithot (***) Date 04-11-2007 23:19
Hey All,
I have been hunting for liability insurance, have filled out half a dozen apllications and as of yet have not recieved one qoute. Iam only looking for a 2 mill policy I would not have thought that this would be such a time consuming chore. Does any one have any suggestion as to how a person might speed this up or know of an agency that specialises in insureing a mobile welding company or welders in genral.
Parent - - By IRWelder (*) Date 04-12-2007 00:33
I deal with a company out of Calgary, H. E. Hunt and Associates (403) 262-8333. They specialize in welding liability amongst other things. Many of my rig welder friends are insured through them also. Might be worth checking them out.
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 04-13-2007 04:35
IRWelder,  Thanks for that I am going to call them first thing tommorrow. What are their primiums like. I heard from one company today and they were around 10g. Seemed rather high to me.
Parent - By IRWelder (*) Date 04-13-2007 13:46
With 2 Million liability, commercial truck insurance, tool coverage and seperate beveller coverage my premium is $4670.00. I have been with them for four years and they were the only company I contacted that got back to me promptly and I am sure you will find that they are the least expensive. They also have a plan where you can pay monthly premiums, which is great, if you don't want to fork over that much cash initially.
As an example a fellow rig welder was paying over 12 grand for liability locally and I told him about Hunt and his premium went down to the 7 grand mark.
Living nowhere near Calgary is no problem either because all business can be conducted via fax, phone and in some cases email.
Parent - - By downhandonly (***) Date 04-12-2007 01:58
I go through the co-operators for everything they've been good so far.
Parent - - By pipeliner01 (**) Date 04-13-2007 05:32
My premium with H.E. Hunt is around $4500, that's with my truck insured through them as well. I got quotes from a few companies before hunt but they were around double. Also, if ya go with hunt and it's your first time getting commercial ins. be prepared to pony up all the money up front, (at least your first year) that's just what they told me, I dunno about everyone else?
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 04-13-2007 14:52
Thanks all, H.E Hunt qouted me this morning at 4100.00 over the phone. Seems alot better then the 10 g the other guy wanted.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 04-13-2007 16:18 Edited 04-13-2007 16:31
You may also need a lesson in insurance terms.  For a mobile welding operation, you also need "Underground Lines" coverage.  You need "Strorefront Protection" (it is not just for storefronts) You need an "Explosion Buyback" on your fire policy clause. (Explosions, even as a result of a fire, are not covered by your fire protection coverage.)  You need "Excess Liability" (6 million is standard, but if you work on an oil rig, you may need 40 million).  You need a  "Personal Articles Floater".  You need a "Care Custody and Control Exclusion" buy back.  You need a "Waiver of Subrogation" clause.  If you can get it, you may need "Environmental Damage" coverage.  You probably need "Uninsured Subcontractors Insurance".  It is good to have some "Also Insured" provisions.

Basic liability insurance for the welding industry usually only covers third party liability coverage.  I. E.,  You cause a fire on a customers piece of equipment, - your liability insurance does not cover it.  If someone elses car parked right next to it gets damaged, - it is covered.  If the fire turns into an explosion, and the car gets damaged, - you are not covered unless you have the "Explosion Buyback".  In neither case is the equipment you are working on covered, unless you have a "Personal Articles Floater and "Inland Marine" coverage.

The Liability coverage that most welders buy is next to USELESS for most of the problems you will encounter with a mobile welding service.  It is really a scam.  I would venture to say that you are looking at $15.000.00 per year premium to start, if you get the coverage that most people "THINK" they have.    Be sure to talk to the insurance agent and ask detailed questions in writing. Get the answers in writing! 

My first run in with insurance coverage involved a large contract, with detailed insurance requirements written in the contract.  I took the contract to my agent and he told me I wasn't covered for ANY of it!  I was shocked.  I had better than the "standard isnurance" most of the other portable welders on Long Island had, and I was essentially bareback!  It was not possible for a one man business to get the insurance I needed for the contract.  I couldn't get the insurance and therefore didn't get the job.

I never had a claim, and I count that as the equivalent of winning the big lottery!

If you work on a ship, or on a dock out beyond the high water mark, or on a bridge over a navigable waterway, you need "Longshoremans and Harbor Workers Protection Act Insurance", besides your state workers compensation coverage.  This coverage is phenominally expensive!

Another thing about insurance, the premium is based on the yearly audit and your gross income.  So, the quoted premium you get is is just the base line price.  The insurance company now becomes your silent partner who takes away a substantial part of your annual profit.   The manual rate also varies as you move from county to city and even within parts of the cities.  If you can, get incorporated, then get the minimum insurance coverage required by law to be  a contractor in the states that you are going to operate in, then go bareback for everything else.  The drawback is that you often can't get some jobs, if you don't have insurance.  Sometimes this can be circumvented.  Most large companies can put you on their insurance as an "Also Insured", with a "Waiver of Subrogation" for a small fee.  If the company really likes you, talk to them about doing things this way.

The insurance industry is truly the "Great Satan" to welding contractors.  If you need insurance, please get an education in insurance terms before you sign on the dotted line.  Never assume you are covered.  You could loose your house and be in debt for the rest of your life!

Joe Kane
Parent - By webbcity (***) Date 04-13-2007 17:09
joe , well said . we had some similar experiences this winter . even during an emergency for our utility , the insurance that was required had to be met , they needed the service we provided and they helped to get their requirements covered while this was happening . having worked for these people in in industry for the last 40+ years helped because of our safety record . good luck to all with your insurance . if you do good no one remembers , if you do bad no one forgets . willie
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 04-13-2007 19:13
Thanks for that Joe, Gives a guy a little more to think about . I'm going in today to sign on the line I will have at least an ideal of what I'm looking for now. The job I am going on is primarily coverd by the main contractor so I should be ok for this round,eyes are open at this point .
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-13-2007 18:14
I finally got a jammin deal on insurance. I'll pm you with the info.
Parent - - By XPERTFAB (**) Date 04-15-2007 05:06
Where do you find the Jammin insurance deal for mobile welding?
Parent - - By Root Pass (***) Date 04-15-2007 22:08
Why "PM"? How about letting us all in on the big seceret.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-17-2007 23:25 Edited 04-17-2007 23:56
Who wants to have their name posted on a public forum on the net, without permission??

How's $3000.00 a year for a single independant sound? I have no gain in this matter, just a friendly referral.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-18-2007 03:51
That sounds about right in your neck of the woods there Sourdough but, I'm inclined to believe that Joe is also correct for the Greater New York Metro area also!!!

Did anyone wonder how much a house where Sourdough lives would cost you in Long Island??? The old addage referring to: "Location, Location, Location!!!" most definitely applies here!!!

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Liability Insurance

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