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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / AISC 2006 Cert. Standard for Steel Building Structures
- - By QCCWI (***) Date 04-16-2007 20:18 Edited 04-16-2007 20:25
Does anyone else find it odd that AISC wants an AISC Certified Fabricator to provide Objective Evidence that the "period of effectiveness" has not been exceeded for welder, welding operator and tack welder qualifications?
According to AWS D1.1 a tack welder is eligible to perform tack welding indefinitely unless there ia specific reason to question the tack welder's ability.
How much Objective Evidence does some one need to prove to some one else that the indefinite "period of effectiveness" has not been exceeded?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 04-16-2007 20:41
Have you been getting the ...changes to the Standard? I have received at least three this month.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 04-16-2007 20:55
We've often talked in here about the minimalist wisdom of AWS and ASME committee members when it comes to revising requirements. And sound wisdom in my opinion. In my limited time under the auspices of AISC I have seen little evidence of any minimalist thinking to counterbalance this burgeoning little monster they have going here.
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 04-16-2007 23:05
Perhaps one way to demonstrate a "Period of Effectiveness" might be to maintain some sort of a welders continuity log that shows the person has welded with the process for the required number of days within the required period. ?.?.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / AISC 2006 Cert. Standard for Steel Building Structures

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