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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Component of Cr73 + Ni24
- - By gumyeung Date 04-18-2007 08:59
1.What material is componet of Cr:73 + Ni:24 that?
2.What process and welding consumable should I choose to weld above subject material and wall thickness is 5 mm?
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 04-18-2007 13:59
I'd guess that it's 73% chrome, 24% nickel and the remaining 3% is iron, but this is just a guess.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 04-18-2007 14:15
To be honest, I have never even heard of a 73Cr/24Ni alloy, to my memory. You sure that isn't reversed? If it were to have a name I might suggest crackalloy.
As for fillers, if this is indeed the alloy, your choices are either a matching chemistry rod wherein the alloy manufacturer produces welding material as well becasue nobody else has taken it on yet (since there isn't any standard fillers for this under AWS that I know of), or some nickel base alloy such as NiCr-3, etc., which is almost the reverse.
Wonder where this would fall in a Scheaffler. If it would even fall in Scheaffler or a WRC. I think 73 Cr is beyond their scope. And even given the synergic relationship of Cr (understanding that Cr is a ferrite stablizer) in establishing austenite, would this alloy be autenitic or ferritic. I'm thinkin ferritic.
Parent - - By gumyeung Date 04-19-2007 17:44
Thank to you for assistance in this matter.

Mentioned Material is use in welding to Fired Heater of Aromatics Project.
However, I'm wating for the Method Statement and Material spec. from THCHNIP.
Once I get that, I would like to inform you all.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 04-19-2007 20:24
I think many of us would be appreciative and curious.
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 04-19-2007 20:58
Technip is a French company and one of the most prestigious and respected process engineering firms in the world in the petroleum and petrochemical field.
Whatever they have to say is to be heard with attention.
I'm also waiting for your information.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Component of Cr73 + Ni24

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