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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Section VIII UG-116
- - By pipebandit Date 04-19-2007 17:14
Can someone help clarify/simplify the difference between RT1,RT2,RT3,RT4 from ASME sec. VIII UG-116. Basically if someone could provide me with an example of an RT1 vessel  compared to an RT4 vessel, that would probably clear things up for me.

Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 04-20-2007 16:26
I may be able to help just a little, however, your AI should be able to clarify and help you fully understand the requirements.

RT1 - 100% RT of shell seams and head to shell welds and 100% joint effeciencies on shells and heads.

RT2 - 100% RT of shell seams and spot RT of head to shell.  100% effeciencies for joints can be used here under UW11(a)(5)(b).  Check out for a very good explaination of the provisions of UW11(a)(5)(b).

RT3 - Spot RT and joint effeciencies (70%) in accordance with table UW 12

RT4 - basically when none of the above can be applied.

Hope this helps some.  This is the way that I understand it.
Parent - By pipebandit Date 04-20-2007 16:59
Very well explained, big help!

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Section VIII UG-116

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