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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Pittsburgh CWI seminar and Exam in August question.
- - By commonarc (**) Date 04-27-2007 11:33
I made my reservation and paid the fee for the CWI exam and seminar in Pittsburgh in August.
Pittsburgh is closest to where I live but it's still pretty far away.

Just wondering if the problem instructor who gave it last year in Pittsburgh has been replaced.
I'm not trying to bring up old trouble but I'm paying for this out of my own pocket.  I'll also be taking an unpaid leave
from work so this is costing me plenty.  It would put my mind to rest to know if last years instructor has been replaced.
If not, I may have to change my exam location.

Any help appreciated.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 04-27-2007 13:51
I suggest you ask AWS Education Department where Ed Bonhart is teaching a course and sign up for that one.
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 04-28-2007 01:47
Does this mean the problem CWI instructor is still with AWS in Pittsburgh?  Please let me know so I can cancel.

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 04-28-2007 15:01
I don't know who is teaching or when.  I just presumed you wanted another instructor, and I can offer you a name I know.   There are also others who can keep you alert and make the course a truly enjoyable learning experience.  Ed is a very dynamic speaker, and is a past president of the AWS.

You should also realize, that the student audience often thwarts the instructors ability to keep the course on track.  One instructor recently had two members of the class who constantly interrupted and disrupted the class.  There was little he could do about it without getting rude and crude.  It is not always just a "bad" instructor that is to blame for failing to control the class! 

One more thing.  It is my opinion, that people who absolutely need this class to pass the CWI Exam, are not ready and are probably not qualified to be CWIs. 

I suggest you read 20 pages of the welding symbols book, the definitions book, and the inspection hand book every day. (Each Book).  When you are done with each book, do it again.  Read two chapter of your chosen code book every day, and repeat when you are finished with the book.  Take the mock tests, and look up the source of your answer for each question and read it, and the paragraph before and after it..
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-28-2007 17:31
Good advice Joe.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By commonarc (**) Date 04-28-2007 18:50
An earlier post said they had serious problems with an instructor who talked about his boat and left class early to hit the bar.  This was in Pittsburgh last year.  I don't know his name and I really don't want to .  I just want to know if this person was removed due to the large number of complaints from people who took the CWI seminar. 

I've been studying the code book, code book study guide, visual inspection study guide and welding inspection study guide for several months.  I've also been a welder for 20 years.  I should pass the exam but I would really like to have a good instructor .  I'm taking this very serious as I'm paying for it myself. 
Parent - By Duke (***) Date 04-28-2007 04:03
Scott  Helman (spelling?) was an excellent instructor also.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Pittsburgh CWI seminar and Exam in August question.

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