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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / ESAB Dual Shield 710X
- - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-30-2007 14:45
A local supplier was given a spool of 0.045 ESAB Dual Shield 710X E71T-1,  He said the vendor made some pretty bold claims about how it could make out of positon welds with high deposition rates and a wide sweet spot in operation parameters.  The supplier asked me if I wouldn't mind running out the roll and giving him some feedback on how it performed.

As you can see by the data sheet here:   They claimed the stuff could run vertical upward progression @ 400 ipm with 100% C02 and 450 ipm with 75/25........ I was skeptical.

I made a series of 10" x 3/8   60 degree vee grooves with backing strips (A36) . I had enough grooves to do stringers and weaves with both C02 and 75/25. I started at the middle of the manufacturers parameter range and steadily increased.

Root passes
256 ipm and 23.6 Volts 100% CO2      
300 ipm 22.8 Volts with 75/25...............The roots passes with both gasses went in perfectly and the profile was indestinguishable from a control pass in the flat positon.

Subsequent passes ran a little better with 1/2 volt above what was recommended by ESAB (on my Lincoln Powerwave 455)

I went right up the scale provided by ESAB and I'll be darned if that stuff diddn't run exactly as advertized.

I ran out of grooves quick at those rates, so I made up some Tee Fillets and it ran right up those at the maximum settings. Good control, good fusion, NO SPATTER.  I varied the stickout from about 3/8 to 3/4 inch and it was forgiving and continued to weld nicely within that range.

I only did visuals to evaluate but it was really impressive...  450 ipm vertical up!

I'm not an FCAW expert but would like to hear from others who are.

Has anybody else used this stuff?
Parent - - By RideKTM (*) Date 04-30-2007 16:30
The thing to watch out for with the E71T is welding flat position with it you can trap slag in there
pretty easy. It E71T is a excellent out of position wire, we use the Kobelco DW-50 and it runs very smooth and we don't see the dreaded "wormtracks" as with some other wires. We normally run 25 volts - 300 i.p.m.  the 22 and 23 seems a little low in the voltage to me.

The E71T sure makes welding out of position easy though.
Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 04-30-2007 17:37
I did a host of qualification testing for a local shop using that wire.  This was their first code job, first time using FCAW, and first time qualifying welders.  Not to mention this was the first time they used a WPS, or a PQR. 

Long story short, the wire was really easy to run (they ran 75/25, not 100%).  These guys qualified 3F & 4F with little help.  And as for spatter, it's really non existent.

I would agree, it's a good wire!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-30-2007 19:37
Hey Lawrence!

All I can say is that the reputation does follow this brand name in this case...
I can remember when Alloy Rods used to produce "Dualshield" and greatfully ESAB did'nt mess up the
reputation like some companies do when they buy out a name brand. Definitely among the best FCAW-G wires out - PERIOD!!! I've personally welded hundreds of pounds of "Dualshield" brand wire and have used almost as much to train and qualify welders with it so I can attest to it's superior quality!!!

An excellent out of position FCAW-G electrode wire and I'll second what "RideKTM" mentioned with respect to 1G vee or bevel deposits with E71T-1... "MDG Custom Weld" is on the mark when it comes to ease of use and lack of spatter also!!!

Btw, did you order your "Dualshield X" hat yet from ESAB Larry???
Here's the link in case anyone's interested but hurry because as soon as I post this, everyone that see's it will order:

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-30-2007 19:49
Let's put the samples in baby oil and see what happens!!!!

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-30-2007 20:00
That's the ticket Al!!!
I do'nt think we'll find much "quicksilver" around but, glycerine is an interesting alternative for comparison!!!

Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 05-02-2007 15:51
Henry got it right. ESAB acquired all the old Alloy Rods formulations and didn't mess em up.
And its the 1 in 71 that essentially means that carrying lots of metal on flats can risk slag. Though if you run larger nozzles, tilt the gun a little more, and stay on the leading edge it helps. The stuff is fast freezing. Difficult to formulate fast freezing AND no slag risk.
Parent - - By Tino Date 07-09-2007 18:51
Henry & All,

Regarding ESAB buying Alloy Rods, in my view, the only thing that changed was the name and color of the box. All of the  plant equipment, workers, engineers from Alloy Rods are for the most part still there. Still in Hannover PA. Equally important is that the culture of the Alloy Rods company seems to be intact. There is still a strong drive to produce the best products in the industry through product and process engineering.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-09-2007 19:59
I got the free hat in the mail last week, and I've got to say that it looks COOL!!! ;)
Did anyone else get their hat yet???

Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 03-23-2010 18:51
We are getting a spool of the ESAB E710X-M 1/16" FCAW wire next week to run some tests with. 
It looks like everything said here is positive.  I'm curious if there are is any other input?  I am going through the "search" now.

We currently use Lincoln E71T-1 Elite 75%/25% and it runs great.  Looking to save money if ESAB is cheaper.

Parent - By Iron Head 49 (***) Date 03-23-2010 20:35
Chris I just recently had the opportunity to give ESAB’s 710X and 70Ultra Plus a whirl. I found the 710X to run nice with only 25 CFH of 75/25, where as the 70Ultra Plus required 40 CFH of 75/25! 

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-24-2010 02:22 Edited 03-24-2010 02:25
The original post is about 2 years old...

Been enjoying the 710X ever since...   We run predominatly 100% C02 with 1/16 and .045  and do dozens of limited and unlimited thickness D1.1 performance qual tests every semester..  The stuff is a dream..  It works nice with mixed gas too.. But the parameter range is slightly tighter with straight carbon dioxide so thats what I make the lads use.   But I still get a thrill every time I run that .045 vert-up at 400 ipm and it just sprays and stays.

Lincoln dropped off a new roll of their best new stuff the other day but haven't had a chance for trials..

Don't know about saving money though... I suspect Lincoln and Esab are the two most expensive FCAW electrodes out there...  Worth it too, in my opinion.
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 03-24-2010 16:43
We're running .052 from the 600# Marathon Pac drums.  Excellent wire, and at a better price than Lincoln.
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 03-24-2010 18:58
Lawrence,  what line of wire did Lincoln drop off? you know?
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-24-2010 19:28

My adjunct took it to work to do some Section IX pipe trials....  I'll try to find out.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-29-2010 17:25

The wire The Lincoln dropped off was .045 Ultracore 71C
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 03-29-2010 17:46
great, thanks
Parent - - By Mat (***) Date 03-30-2010 01:19 Edited 03-30-2010 01:25
ESAB 7100 Ultra is a dream to run if the surface of the steel is free of oil!  A vertical corner joint on a ballast deflector, about 25 CFH, 75/25.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-30-2010 04:48
We used some UltraShield 7100 on a repair job that required about 3000 pounds of the electrode. The contractor ran straight CO2. They had a lot of spatter that required a lot of effort to clean up. I suspect it was an operator problem more than a problem with the electrode. The wire ran fine on other projects that I've used it on.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 03-30-2010 10:21
We will be evaluating straight CO2 vs the 75/25 mix to see the difference in performance and cost.
Parent - By J Kidd (*) Date 08-23-2010 08:48
Here you go Lawrence...
I posted this in the blog section along with another good blog!!! Enjoy

Figure I would spread the good news, not sure if everyone knows or heard. It's an honor to be a part of history!!!!! We make this wire and it comes directly out of the Hanover, PA. facility. Where I currently work. Here is a link...

If you cannot click the link, copy and paste into your browser or go to ESAB North America website and look under news tab and press releases.

God Bless America!!

Jeremy Kidd
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