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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Weld Symbols in Drawings
- - By Dima Date 05-04-2007 11:35
Hi all,
I'm working in the software development sector & we are trying to create a standard
for weld symbols. Now we are trying to determine the best view to show the welding symbol, for eacg welding type and for different connected members. I'm looking for a professional study / book in that subject. I've just found this book in the net
Do you recommend this book? Are there other books / studies about this subject? Where can I find them?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-04-2007 11:49
I think the best answer I could give about welding symbols would be to send you to the source...a standard we all use is AWS A2.4 ...... here is a link....
Parent - - By Dima Date 05-04-2007 13:05
Thanks for the link. We aleady have this standard.
I think I didn't explain what exactly we need.
For a detailing software, there is a logic that must be set, in this logic for example you would say, for double shear angles of a beam, better to show the welding symbol on the web view of the beam, not on the sections and not on the flange view. We are looking for such studies or books that could help us with that.
I think we are interested in sudies or publications in "Good detailing practice"
Does any one know where we can find that?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-04-2007 13:13
Yes, the AISC has a "Detailing Structural Steel Standard" used by detailers showing common connections.
Parent - By Dima Date 05-04-2007 13:23
Thank you very much for your help.
Parent - By Dima Date 05-05-2007 11:27
Hello again,
Is there any oner book specialized in welding? This "Detailing Structural Steel Standard" is really helpful but we are looking for something more specific for welding now.
We found this book on the net, but not sure if it's really helpful
does anyone have any idea about it?
Thanks again for the help
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 05-04-2007 12:47
What moral or institutional authority would you claim, that would allow YOUor your COMPANY to develop a "Standard"??????
Parent - - By Dima Date 05-04-2007 12:52
What??? We r trying to set a standard for our software!!! It's not a stadard in the exact meaning of standard. It's more of a logic for the software to think! It's to locate welding symbols on the views. For example what is the best view to show a welding sybmol for a shear plate, or a double shear angle, ....
It's for our use ... but thanks for the help anyway!
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 05-07-2007 05:27
I started my reply before John Wright's reply, when you first opened this string.  When I wrote my reply, your second explanation about the purpose of your program was not yet written.  In the interim, John Wright replied, while mine was delayed do to work constraints. 

I was really incensed that someone who is not in the volunteer committee structure of some organizatrion was going to ride in on his white charger and slay a dragon for us, and then tell us how to do everything right!   So, to the extent that I have the wrong idea, I apologize for MY sarcasm.

However, I still want to know why, or how, you feel that YOU or YOUR COMPANY are entitled to even write a Standard for the best way for a computer program to enter or locate a weld symbol on a drawing?  There is an ANSI Y-14 Committee that is recognized as the cognizant committee in the field of drawings / detailing.  While there is no law against it in this country, if you don't have ANSI Committee backing or SAE Committee backing, or AWS Committee backing, Etc., you may be just another grand idea, with an OPINION, that may or may not be acceptable on an individual basis.  Where is the legitimacy?!?!?  Are there not Standards Writing Committees in the computer programming field?

If you use a British book or any European book, such as the one shown in the hot link, the difference in standard terminology and even weld symbols found in the two countries may trip you up.

Or; Perhaps I still did not understand your other replies??!?!
Parent - By Dima Date 05-07-2007 06:23
I think the word "standard" was wrong in the first place, and I apologize that my english failed me with that. As I explained, we are just trying to put a logic for our software to think. So, my fisrt question was that we were looking for a book, or any kind of standards put by an authorized committee or institute regarding this subject. We are not trying to create a standard, we are looking if there's a standard that we we can adapt and put as a logic for the software. We just need help finding something to follow, and for sure we're not trying to re-invent the wheel. Softwares are not smart, you get what you feed them with. For example, if we just say weld two members together, the outpot, which is in this case the weld symbol, can be put anywhere because we didn't feed the software with the enough info for that. Sometimes, if not most of the times, the result will be unsatisfying or even wrong. For a detailer who doesn't use a software, these small things are common sense, but for a software, we have to input every single small detail, nothing should be taken for granted. This for a software is the logic, it's some sort of artificial intellegence. Maybe these things depend on the judgment of the detailer and what he or his client are used to use at the end. But I think there are somethings that everyone agree that this is right, wrong, just preferred, or better ... etc, and this is what i'm looking for: We need a guide.
So if the committees mentioned in your reply have such standards or rules, then YESSSSS, this is exactly what i'm looking for.
I'm sorry again that my english is failing me in explaining what I'm looking for. I hope I that this time I was able to explain better.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 05-05-2007 02:58
You crack me up Joe!!! Right now I'm LMFAOAOTF!!! ;) ;) ;)

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-05-2007 03:47
Say what?


Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 05-07-2007 20:38
Wow. That was an interesting exchange.
Parent - By HgTX (***) Date 05-15-2007 18:36
Um, an *internal* standard??

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