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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Underwater welding AWS D3.6 welder certification
- By jaws (*) Date 05-04-2007 20:41
I am welding engineer in Turkey and work for class company in industrial divison. Nowadays some client ask me the underwater welder certification. At present in Turkey nobodys gives this certifcate. And I decided to establish welder test and certifcation so I have D3.6 and just start to read it. There are 4 wleding claass and in foreword section mention 4 test sound about dry welding. Also I am a diver but I could not imagine test ambient, dry chamber, large chamber pressurable ambient. I need kindly experience and explanation about them and other subject about the underwater welder performance qualification.

Thanks for help and share experience

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Underwater welding AWS D3.6 welder certification

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