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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / D1.1, 2.17.3 vs Table 5.8 Contradiction?
- - By Jim Beckham Date 05-14-2007 14:21
Can anyone give me some insight on how to reconcile the (apparent) contradiction between D1.1, 2.17.3 "Fillet welds less than 3/16" shall be prohibited" and Table 5.8, which says the minimum fillet weld size for material less than/equal to 1/4" is 1/8".  (Note c in Table 5.8 says that cyclically loaded members must be bigger--3/16".)  Is 2.17.3 speaking of cyclically loaded members?  If so, I'm not seeing that explicit distinction.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 05-14-2007 14:40
Hey Jim,

I don't have my copy in hand but,

Is it possible Weld size (fillet size or leg length) and the length of a fillet weld (end to end) are being confused?
Parent - By Richard V. Roch (**) Date 05-14-2007 15:42
AWS D1.1 Part C 2.17.3 is talking about cyclically loaded members for non-tubular connections. Note 3, at bottom of Table 5.8 confirms this.
Hope this helps
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-14-2007 15:57
Yeah, I agree with Richard,

Note C in Table 5.8 says basically what Paragraph 2.17.3 says.
Parent - By Jim Beckham Date 05-14-2007 16:35
Yes, I see now that Part C, which contains 2.17.3, is regarding cyclically loaded connections.  Thanks for your help.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / D1.1, 2.17.3 vs Table 5.8 Contradiction?

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