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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Formulas for 30mm X 0.5 strip
- - By THANATOS (*) Date 05-14-2007 20:15
I am getting ready to have a job requiring the use of 30mm X 0.5 strip Inconel 625 for overlay.  I am not that familar with strip filler metals.  I need an accurate formula to determine the amount of metal that will have to be purchased based on a minimum of 3/16" thick overlay.  I haven't been able to find anyone that knows a formula for this yet.  I would appreciate any help!
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 05-14-2007 20:50
If you can find a reference as to the weight of weld material in lbs (the web, AWS Welding handbooks, etc-somebody inhere may even have that weight intheir head or ready to hand), and it doesn't have to be specific to 625, carbon steel weight is close enough, (there isn't enough difference to matter), then all you have to do is multiply this weight by the area of the weld surface and the depth of the weld (you give it as 3/16") to give you a volume result. Then you should add whatever factor of additional metal you may add to ensure you have the 3/16". Perhaps 1/4".
If its pipe ID then its ID circumference X length of pipe X depth of weld X weight of weld material. From this you can calculate the number of coils you need to purchase.
There will be some innefficiency factors but quite frankly I think you will end up overpurchasing somewhat anyway since you have to go up to the next stock coil size from your calculation.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Formulas for 30mm X 0.5 strip

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