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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / roadgrader circle ring tooth repair
- - By s38310 Date 05-22-2007 02:31
I just found this site and would like your opinions on how to repair an area on a motor grader where two teeth on the ring have been worn down and will jam up the blade rotation.  I have made wooden copies of the blade pattern but was wondering what to use to do the build up.  I have a 150 amp MIG and 180DC/250AC stick welder.  Was wondering what rod choices would be best and how hard to make the face.  My uneducated concern is what combinations of rod would be best from start to finish or should I just grab the MIG and build layer upon layer.  This is a 1960s model galion grader and I have no idea of what material the ring is, they are 1" thick and will need about 3/4 inch added to allow for grinding to shape.  Thanks, Craig
Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 05-22-2007 03:18
You generally try and match your weld metal to the parent metal as closely as possible but when it is that old you may be out of luck in identifying the parent metal.
Your safest bet would be a nice new pack of 7018 stick electrodes and build it up with those.Don't forget your preheat.
There will quite possibly be others on the forum who have more experience with these machines and hopefully they can provide more information,
Parent - By PhilThomas (**) Date 05-22-2007 11:24
I would recommend Stoody Build-Up LH for restoring the teeth to within about 1/8 of the final dimensions, followed by a couple layers of 105-G (mig) or 1105 (stick) to hardface the mating surfaces.
Parent - - By SPARKYCA (**) Date 05-22-2007 17:42
Hi Craig,  I agree with the good reccomendations above and have repaired several Champion grader rings. We built up the worn areas with mig or stick & 7018. We were also able to cut out and replace badly worn sections with a section about a foot long ( supplied by the local dealer ), although this seemed to take as much time as just building them up with mig.  Then we would lay a template on top & grind off the excess weld ( oh what fun ). A few final touch ups with 7018 and the thing was good to go. We did'nt get too fussey, after all there is considerable tolerance with the mating teeth. I suppose a final layer of impact resistant material would improve the longivity of the repaired teeth, but in our case we did'nt use any. Hope this helped out some.  - WS
Parent - By s38310 Date 05-23-2007 00:52
Thanks for the responses.  I live 50 miles from the closest welding supply store but always have the standard 6011/6013/7018/and hardfacing on hand since I keep the farm equipment up.  I was kind of hoping to justify a trip and new tools to the wife but maybe next repair (The dozer support boom is cracked, too many stumps I suppose).   But anyway I was able to get the plasma cutter this year with her approval.  Best investment in a long time.  Once again thanks. 
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / roadgrader circle ring tooth repair

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