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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / selection of electrode
- - By sathyasaravana0 Date 05-27-2007 12:42
Dear Sirs,
              I would like to know which electrode ,filler rod has to be used using SMAW for joining BSEN 10025  S355 J2G3 and BSEN 10025  S275.S 355 is of 35 mm and 45 mm thick and used as lifting lug. and  this is welded to  S275  a structure(beam ).The joint is a lap joint with a  fillet weld .Right now we have welded it with E-7018 ,is it alright?
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 05-27-2007 16:55

excuse me when I am asking, but have you already seen the information under: ?

If these information - besides the already given ones coming from Prof. Crisi from Brazil and Shane Feder from Australia - weren't helpful perhaps it would help, to give us some more detailed information about the later usage of the part you have welded.

I am certain many other colleagues in the forum would share their experience if more details were known.

Generally the standardization of the base materials according Euronorm EN 10025 is founded on their yield-strength in MPa.

This means:

- S 355 J2G3 has a lower yield-strength of ~ 355 MPa (a "St 52-3 N" according to the former - and meanwhile invalid - German standard DIN 17100)

- S 275 (JR?) has a lower yield-strength of ~ 275 MPa (a "St 44-2" according to the former German Standard DIN 17100)

Under using these mechanical data you can likely find easily the correct filler-material for your welding application. Although - as I have mentioned in my post in the Technical Section - from my point of view these materials were normally weldable by using a basic electrode of type E 7018. Exceptions were - of course - possible and would - from my point of view - depend on the later utilization of the welded parts.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / selection of electrode

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