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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / API STANDARD 1104
- - By ceatig58 (*) Date 05-29-2007 16:58
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-30-2007 04:27
No offense, but I think a study guide for 1104 would be near on worthless. I suggest you would be better off just reading the standard with as small as it is.
Parent - By commonarc (**) Date 05-30-2007 23:15
The AWS store has them for sale on this web page.  Publication # is AWS API-M:2006 Twentieth Edition

The study guide was helpful to me.  Any study aid is helpful when you are paying for the CWI exam out of your own pocket.
I suggest you buy it along with the other two that will help with the CWI Exam:  Visual Inspection Workshop , publication # VIW-M:2006 and Certification Manual for Welding Inspectors, Fourth Edition.

I feel much more confident that I will pass the CWI exam on the first try now that I've read these books and taken the sample tests. You really need to know how to maximize your time when taking this exam and these are very helpful. 

Good luck 
Parent - - By Smokey71 (*) Date 05-31-2007 01:28 Edited 05-31-2007 01:38
If the reason for testing to API 1104 is because the code book is smaller than D1.1, re-think your logic. But if it is the code that deals with what your familiar with, just buy the 1104 code book and study the hell out of the appendixes! Yes the book is smaller but the appendixes were killer and when i took the test last july the last 15 ?'s were all directed to the appendixes content. If you understand them, they rest will be a breeze. As far as the listing above :aws api 1104 20th ed., that is the code book and not the study guide. When i walked out of the api code test i talked to engineers that said the math required on the test was extremely tough. But the thing with the math is that the test ?'s were also the sample ?'s in the code book! These guys were spending 4-5 minutes on the ?'s when the answers were right in front of them. That's the type of curves thrown at you in the testing. And you need to remember that the api test is 60 ?'s in 2 hours vs. the D1.1 test with 45?'s in 2 hours. And the kicker is that no matter what code you test in, u pass and your a cwi reguardless the code. Testing in api hold no more prestige than D1.1. Whatever your choose, best of luck.
Parent - By commonarc (**) Date 05-31-2007 23:26
API 1104 20th Edition is the code book.  The book I mentioned was AWS API-M:2006  which is the STUDY GUIDE for API Standard Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities, 20th Edition. This is the study guide for the current API 1104 Code Book.
The sample tests in this book are very helpful.  Just my opinion.
Parent - By ceatig58 (*) Date 06-05-2007 14:44
thanks for all your help I did go ahead and order the study giude
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / API STANDARD 1104

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