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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Intro
- - By Nandy Date 06-04-2007 22:42 Edited 06-04-2007 22:44
I did not see a place where to write my introduction to the forum so here it goes.

My name is Fernando, I live in NC. I am in the Telecommunication business as technical support. I have taken the hobby of welding. I know this is not a hobby for most or any of the members of this forum but I think after some time I might be able to contribute to this forum.
I have fond memories from welding. After my dad lost his job in the bank he took on welding works for sustain of the family. My dad, brother and I will build fences with galvanized pipes. My dad was a self taught welder. My bro and I will help with the set up of the pipes, from picking them up in the hardware store to the last step in the jig before they were weld. Once Dad got a job as a foreman in a factory the days of welding were over.
I had for years wanted to take on welding, I guess is something about remembering the good old days. I am inclined to manual labor and to create things with my hands which become a therapy from my high stress job.
I recently acquired oxyacetylene and stick equipments; now I realize I should have gotten a TIG welder instead of the stick, that way I could do both. Northern tools had one for I think it was 1600.00 that had the size and everything I think I would have ever needed. That is a different conversation all together.
I started playing with the oxyacetylene and fixed a few things here and there and have some other thin gauge projects in mind. I have recently started playing with the stick equipment and have been practicing some. Ahhh, the memories attached to the sight and smell of the burning rod... I loaned my camera but when I get it back I will photo some of those welds and post them so those of you interested in critiquing the welds can point out what I am doing wrong.
I might in the future get formal training and get certified. Who knows, I might end up side to side with some of you.

So there is a bit of me, so you all know where I am coming from when I post those silly questions.

Have a great day!
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-05-2007 03:03

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-05-2007 10:13
Welcome to the forum. All questions about welding are welcome here.

Have a good day

Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 06-05-2007 11:54
Welcome Fernando.  I'm sure you'll enjoy our forum.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 06-05-2007 13:22
Ditto on the welcome.  I'm sure you'll have fun with your projects and we look forwrd to your input.
Parent - By chuck meadows (***) Date 06-05-2007 14:03
  Welcome!! When a person is sincerely trying to learn, there are no "silly" questions. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience in this Forum...Please feel free to use it. Good luck.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Intro

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