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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Turn off the oxygen first or the acetylene first?
- - By norcalwelder (**) Date 06-05-2007 01:46
Ok guys, I have heard both ways so what do you think?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-05-2007 01:48
The way to do it is the way the manufacturer directs.

Having said that... Most manufacturers direct that O2 goes off first and than fuel gas.  If you do it the reverse way it will often *pop,*  When it pops carbon is drawn down into the holes at the tip and reduces performance.

Victor, Harris and all the others ought to have web pages with specific set up, leak check, and shut down procedures for free.
Parent - By banshee35 (**) Date 06-05-2007 02:09
i turn off o2 first, the fuel gas myself.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 06-05-2007 13:15
Also, when you hear the "pop" you are actually hearing a mini-flashback. 
I've heard that sound many times when I used to shut off my torches by closing the fuel valve first.  After sitting in a seminar put on by a torch manufacturer, I learned that many times nothing will happen but if it does ---- watch out.  Actually, you won't be able to watch out - it all happens too quickly.
  Kinda like playing russian roulette.  After seeing the demonstration, and seeing photos of some damage and injuries, I now shut off the oxygen first- per the manufacturer's recommendations. 
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-05-2007 04:02
If You use a gassaver valve [and those who really do a lot of starts and stops do] they turn off together and go POP, then POP again when re lit. A quick look through a Victor publication didn't give a shutdown procedure except for in the case of a flashback, where the Oxy is to be turned off first [IMMEDIATLY]. I always shut the Oxy of first and the acetylene right after and quickly as to avoid sooting up the shop.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 06-05-2007 07:05 Edited 06-05-2007 07:12
Hello norcalwelder, as you said you have heard it both ways. Many of the publications and books will also list it both ways. I take a slightly different tact when I explain my preference for turning the torch off in a particular manner. I do suggest turning the oxygen valve off first, here's the reasoning: on a lot of torches, due to the way that they have been handled, there is the possibility of soot build-up on the seat of the fuel valve which causes it not to seal completely and leak slightly when it is shut off. Shutting the fuel off first will simply "blow out" the flame and not give any sort of indicator that the fuel valve is not completely shutting off. If you shut the torch off by shutting down the oxygen valve first and then the fuel valve, if there is any issue with the fuel valve leaking, there will be a small flame left burning. This will give you a heads up to know that you've got an issue which you need to consider if you are going to be leaving the torch laying around while you are doing something else. Either you need to have the torch valve repaired or you need to shut the fuel cylinder off when you aren't going to be using it. A lot of the time this "leaking valve" can be "fixed" by simply turning it on and off a couple of times firmly, that will re-seat the stainless steel ball on the end of the valve stem to the seat of the bottom of the valve. If that method doesn't remedy the issue you may need to disassemble the valve and clean it or possibly have it rebuilt by a qualified service person.
     The importance of paying attention to whether you have leaking fuel valves on torches goes something like this: If you are working anywhere that could be considered confined or in a hole, the acetylene gas is heavier than air and can displace air and pool in low spots or fill up confined areas. If you leave to do something else or go to lunch after turning a torch off, but don't turn the bottles off, the resulting undetected leak could possibly pool the acetylene gas and make a potential bomb. Then upon returning if you don't smell the pooled gas and have any sort of ignition source going, possibly a cigarette, you could have an explosion or fire. Just a few more thoughts for consideration. Regards, aevald
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 06-05-2007 15:48
I think the pop is neato......
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 06-05-2007 17:27
Yeah if you get the right kind of striker the round deep dish style not the square type and you let your flame pop out while in a nuetral flame and hold it back in front of the striker for a sec or two then re spark it you get a nice pop.  Loud and harmless. 
     Funny how technology changes because back in highschool we were taught to cutt the fuel gas first so the oxy blows all gas out of the torch and tip.  When you cutt the oxy 1st then the fuel burns all the way back inside the tip and torch suiting it all up.  Think about it like this you valve is at the bottom of your torch and when you shut the valve off there is still gas inside the torch and tip so the flame goes down to the tip and inside the torch to burn all the unburned fuel inside the tip and torch therefore makeing suit and carbon inside the torch.  It burns back inside kinda like a wick on a firecracker.  So why is it that this is ok now?
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 06-05-2007 19:59 Edited 06-05-2007 20:06
I have to side with Kix on this. While the fuel will not burn with out air or oxygen and it canot burn inside the torch tip while the fuel is flowing.But. When the presure is turned off and the fuel is no longer flowing it can burn in side the tip. If the mixing chamber is in good condition its of little concern.

When you turn the fuel off first it changes the mixture ratio and you get the "pop" which to my way of thinking is the the same as a sonic boom from the explosion caused by the altered air/fuel mixture which removes the point of ignition. Kinda like putting out an oil fire.

I have seen it done both ways for many years with out problem. The only "Burn Backs" I have ever witnessed were all from loose or damaged connections.
Parent - - By downhandonly (***) Date 06-06-2007 00:18
I was told to turn off "A before O or up you go!" by my welding instructor. Is this wrong? I've been doing this for as long as I have been using a torch.
Parent - By TozziWelding (**) Date 06-06-2007 14:00
I do what ever, some days it is the fuel first, others it is the oxygen. On the big rosebud it is always oxygen off first , or BOOM!!!!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Turn off the oxygen first or the acetylene first?

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