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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Argon Regulator Pressure
- - By Zeek (**) Date 06-05-2007 16:42
I have an argon gas line coming into a GTA welding area with a regulator right before it goes to a flow meter.  I've heard that the standard pressure to set that regulator at is 25psi (in order for the flow meters to read correctly).  Is this correct or is there another typical pressure setting?  Thanks.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 06-05-2007 16:59
Hello Zeek, I believe that if you are using a true flow meter(the type that uses a glass tube and a ball), that the reduction pressure setting isn't so critical. The lift of the ball is dependent on the gas density and will truly give the actual flow providing the correct scale is read in relation to gas type. Where the reduction pressure IS fairly critical is when a flow regulator that utilizes an orifice to do the regulating is when the pressure really comes into play. Hope that helps somewhat. Regards, aevald
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 06-05-2007 22:51
If you are going to encounter any wind at all you better get more than 25 or you are going to spend a lot of time grinding porosity.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 06-05-2007 23:20
Hello ZCat, you may be misinterpreting the pressure from the flow and forgive me if I am misunderstanding you. If he has 25 psi of pressure on his gas line he can still have a wide range of flow rates. Think of it in terms of a fire hose versus a garden hose, they can both have say 50 psi of pressure, yet the fire hose will deliver way more water due to it's larger diameter, thus more flow. Regards, aevald
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-06-2007 02:15
The ball type flow meters are made to measure acuratly at a given pressure, I have some Linde / L-Tec meeters that are made for 50 PSIG, these were stand alone meters. Some Airco meters were made for 30 PSIG. Meters that came atached to a fixed pressure regulator are often unmarked, but the manufacturer should be able to tell You. Gas density is dependant on pressure, so for acurate readings the meter should operate at its designed pressure.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 06-06-2007 13:44
If you look the flow meter over real good you should find that it requlates its on pressure and is stamped to tell you the setting.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Argon Regulator Pressure

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