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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pontun boat tubes
- - By bodyman (*) Date 06-10-2007 16:26
Hi guys, I've taken on some repair jobs on pontun boats. I can use some feedback to make sure my procedure will work. I'm haveing the marina remove the pontunes so I can repair the bottoms. the problem is I do'nt have a shop to but the in so I'll have to repair them in the field. I have a canopy with sides that I can put them in and seal up fairly snug. I'll be tigging these tubes. Any thing I shoud be concerned with, argon intake, or flow? Thanks, Bodyman
Parent - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 06-10-2007 20:49
The ones that I have work on had a place on them to put air in them I would suggest to check and make sure the valve core is out before you start welding on them.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-11-2007 06:34 Edited 06-11-2007 06:36
Another thing to check is where you are welding on it....a lot of older pontoons are simply full of air and or water..(well shoot thats why they need fix lol).  But newer ones will be full of styrfoam blocks and sometimes spray foam on top of that.   That stuff makes some nasty smoke  and even nastier welds if it melts into your joint.  My advice would be to put the repair area facing striaght up if possible.  Remove the drain plug as mentioned before..drain them good....then you poke somthing in there and see if there is any foam...if its soaked wet no worries ...if its dry a little argon in there will prevent lighting it up.

Are you putting protective keels (wear strips) on them or  patching holes??  A length of 2x2 3/16 angle makes an excellent wear strip.  4043 is an appropriate rod for most boat repair.
Parent - By bodyman (*) Date 06-11-2007 13:02
Tommyjoking, I'll be able to turn the pontoon upside down, with the damage area up. Find the damaged area, cut it out, clean any foam, or dirt and either replace or repair the piece and reweld. Thanks for the input. Bodyman
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pontun boat tubes

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