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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / MT Dry powder blower
- - By Bill M (***) Date 06-15-2007 19:58
Do they still make those electric dry powder, mag particle blower guns?  Our inspectors in the shop are inspecting very long welds with the ole' hand held puffer bulbs.  The one I used years ago had a steady flow of air, and when you pushed the button, the powder was injected into the air stream, and had a built in light bulb.
Thanks for any help on this-
Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 06-16-2007 04:09 Edited 06-16-2007 04:34
Parent - By Bill M (***) Date 06-18-2007 13:05
Thats Exactly what I was looking for--Thanks!

(I am sure the guys in the shop who were hyperventilating from blowing away the excess powder on their hands and knees thank you as well)
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / MT Dry powder blower

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