Hello Dopeman, Lawrence gave you some gospel advice concerning finding the answers to your questions. Just reading the answers or finding them in text may not really give these answers any significance either. Keep in mind as you go through your welding training or any other sort of education, that application of information will be the best teacher and impress and post to memory the most information. Whenever you have a task that involves answering questions try to put that information in context to how it is important to the learning you are trying to accomplish. Whenever possible use the information that you have covered in your homework to influence the work that you are doing in the lab. In your first question you ask about things that influence a stick weld(I assume), try using these factors when you are making a weld and see how they influence that weld and what happens as you change the various factors, you will likely be able to answer your own questions by doing this simple test. In your second question you asked about the various weave patterns for welds, look around at various welds on items that have been welded and see if you can figure out how they were done and see if you can note specific differences from one weld that you have seen to another one. The third question that you asked is actually somewhat self-explanatory, other than hot pass, it describes the welds significance very well, if you're still stumped, you will need to look in the text book and figure out specifically what is meant by the terminology and application. For yourself, you will need to figure out a method for understanding the significance of written word to the application of this word to the welding that you are trying to learn and perform. Good luck and regards, aevald