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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / posting pictures
- - By makeithot (***) Date 06-22-2007 02:56
How does one go about posting pictures on the forum? How small a format do they have to be in?
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 06-22-2007 06:56
Hey makeithot!

I had a similar question a time ago and I guess there can be given certainly no better explanation than John Wright's, see also:;hl=#pid54337

The procedure John described is not only for pdf's but also for jpeg's,...

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-22-2007 11:28
The window that comes up once you hit the attach button will show you the files sizes permissable.

or.... You can use a is free)
If the pic is larger than the AWS site allows, you can still use to upload your pictures from your computer to their site and then Photobucket will provide a link that you can copy and paste into your post. If you use the link that has the (tags) already provided by photobucket, you have to change them from uppercasae letters to lowercase letters...

ie [IMG]file link[/IMG] change to [img]filelink[/img]
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / posting pictures

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