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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Plate Leveling Machine
- - By Goulding.c Date 06-24-2007 21:40
Does anyone have any idea how to run one of these? I bought a shop and we have a contract that requires certain size 3/8s plates that must be run through a leveler. We have one with no name or anything on it at all. I hooked it up to electric and it runs! And it spits plates right through it we just can't figure out the adjustments. The bottom floor of rollers is air operated. The upper rollers have large adjusting screws. Any ideas, we are really scratching our heads with this things??? Thanks
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-25-2007 02:42
At the auto frame plant We had rollers that took the "coil set" out of coil stock as it was unwound, the rollers on one side press between the rollers on the other to overbend in the oposite direction, and the stock would come out reasonably true. I guess the machine You have would work on a similar principle.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Plate Leveling Machine

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