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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Help me2 choose btw Miller (sywa200 & precision 225)lincoln
- - By num4 Date 06-29-2007 06:19
Which one is better to choose from?
I looked up both companies comparison doc. but they both look good.
Somehow precision225 is missing a digital balance control, pulse parameter adjustments,volt meter, and it's automaticly chosen? It's using a red light to tell you the pulse frequecy?

I'm so lost! They are similar on pricing and miller comes with the cart and stick cable! But not lincoln!
I gotta pay $200  extra to get the cart!

Please please please help me guys!!!!!
I need to make up my mind!
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 06-29-2007 13:31
Its kinda cool to build your own cart.  Little metal, a little time, a few beers and VOILA!
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-29-2007 14:05

Lots of people ask this question.

The good news is that you win with either power supply.

The little lincoln "blinkie thing" for the GTAW pulsation is actually a stroke of simple genius.  When you are trying to manually synchronize wire feeding to pulsation it is alot easier to look a the little blinking light and say to yourself......" I can do that"  or " I need to slow that down just a tad"

Anyhow... both are very good machines...  

My personal prefrence is Miller for GTAW power supplies, but if it was a horse race you could throw a blanket over em at the finish line, they are that close.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-30-2007 08:19
I prefer the miller for the same reasons myself...the synchrowave is a very good all around GTAW(tig) power supply.  I have not used either one for mig yet.   On SMAW both are pretty much equal in performance. I like the fact of adjustability in the miller with pulse settings. Also the arc start features with the miller I personally feel are superior (but this is minor unless a lot of tig).  Reliability: man thats hard to say but there are a LOT of old lincolns out there..You will not be wasting money on either machine..both are great for the money.  If it was the same price for both the miller would go home with me...
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Help me2 choose btw Miller (sywa200 & precision 225)lincoln

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