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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / One month until CWI Exam. Suggestions?
- - By commonarc (**) Date 07-04-2007 14:36
Ok, I have one month until the CWI exam and seminar.  Paying for it out of pocket.
API-1104 is the code book portion.  I have the following study guides:  Study Guide for API-1104 and code book,
Certification manual for Welding Inspectors and the Visual Workshop study guide.

Any suggestions on what areas to concentrate the most on would be appreciated.

Parent - - By strat (**) Date 07-04-2007 17:14 Edited 07-04-2007 18:08
As for the API-1104 you pretty much need to be familiar with the whole book and the two appendixs in the back,apendix A and B.At the seminar our instructor told us not to worry to much about the appendexs that they probably want be but mayby one or two quiestions on them.Man was he wrong,i think they were either ten or eleven and fortently i had enough time to find the answers. But now he did say to read over them during the seminar but i thought if they were going to be only a few quistions i was not going to worry about it much,so be sure you study the whole book and by the way they upt the quistion from 45 to 60 for the API-1104 exam. ON the practicle exam you really need to read and study Part B Examination Book Of Specifications and be prepared to make some preety tight calls on welding flaws and dicon. Just make sure you pay close attention to the quistions. Some other things to hit on are welding processes,symbols , ndt , definitions and terminology. When you start the seminar they will give you some extra study material,and i also suggest to study every night during the seminar.      GOOD LUCK
Parent - - By welderwv (*) Date 07-04-2007 18:07
I took the CWI/CWE exam in may.  I used D1.1.  The Fundamentals was fairly easy.  The Certification Manual for Welding Inspectors helped a lot.  Do the questions after each chapter and understand your mistakes.  Some errors exist though in their answer sheets (at least I think so).  Make sure of the answers they offer.  I hated the ones with 3 choices and an "all of the above" or "both a & b" choices.  That is bad questioning techniques but anyway just read the entire question and know what they are asking.  I had about 45 minutes when I completed so I used the time to review the ones I was not sure about and to check and recheck my answers.

The code part was not too bad (again I used D1.1 because I was familiar with it and I bought the study guide for it).  It took the whole 2 hours though.  I think I had about 15 minutes to review my answers but their was really only one that I absolutely could not find.  This was my lowest scoring part @ 86%.

The hands on portion was weird.  I am assuming that the test questions are different for each case of supplies.  I was really confident about the Fundamentals but when I finished the hands on I thought I must have read and done things completely wrong because I thought it was pretty easy.  All of mine were either pass or fail and the porosity was assumed at a certian diameter.  I really was surprised that the test was that easy.  Don't get me wrong it took pretty much the whole 2 hours but I didn't have any too close to call results.  I may have just been lucky and got a good test.

The worst thing about everything was waiting for the results.  I left feeling good about it but it was torture waiting.  The feeling of finding out I passed though and getting my certs and stamp were fantastic.

I posted a thread after my test and it worked for me on how to find out quicker if you passed.  Search the archives for 'I passed my CWI and found out in 2 weeks'.  I don't know if it worked for anybody else but it worked for me.
Parent - By strat (**) Date 07-04-2007 18:14
I read the I passed my CWI and tried what you said,and low and behold it worked.It took me forty tries then there was my name so what worked for you worked for me also
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 07-05-2007 11:48
I can't seem to locate the I passed my CWI post.  Can you link it to me?  Thanks.
Parent - By strat (**) Date 07-05-2007 17:18
Look under Certification and Qualification on page two (I passed my CWI and found out in two weeks)
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / One month until CWI Exam. Suggestions?

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