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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / 2" pipeline inquiry
- - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-05-2007 06:48 Edited 07-05-2007 07:01
Alright, 390 ft of sch 80 just waiting to go in the 6' ditch....granted the welds are top notch - BUT - the inexperienced crew throws it in like a piece of spagetti. What are the chances of pipe bending? Had my welds tested on this one also, but what can we screw up throwing this one in a ditch in a completely unorganized fashion?

It is sch* 80.....

my theory is give it hell, see what happens.
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-05-2007 23:40
I believe that it would bend quite a bit depending on what diameter you had.  I don't know if the bending would be harmful.  If it kinked it, it would be disastrous.

I would be worried about "Denting"!  I know of two spectacular failures and fires because of dents caused by a backhoe on an X-C Gas Main Transmission Line.  I could see one of those fires  from my house, 60+ miles away!  Tell the PSC if it is an XC Gas Transmission line, or call the USDOT Office of Pipeline Safety!  Don't let somepne get killed.

Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 07-06-2007 03:04
I would not worry about the welds. What would bother me is if the pipe is coated and jeeped. Sounds like they could have damaged the coating which is worse than a bad weld. I would hunt up the chief inspector or company man and let him know how the contractor is handling his pipe. If there is not an inspector on the job, the company man needs to know what is going on.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 07-06-2007 15:14
i agree with kahunna, galvanic corrosion would my concern. The pipe can handel a lot, it's the coating that will be compromised first. as always keep those burnt rods out of the ditch.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-09-2007 17:35
Well.... we did have two bends before it was in the ditch, BUT I operated the hoe this time and we put in 60' at a time. Hate to say it, but I'm buying a backhoe! I miss being the puppet master....
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / 2" pipeline inquiry

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