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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / spoolgun on 200 redface
- - By norsky63 (**) Date 07-08-2007 17:55
does anyone know if I can hook up a miller aluminum spoolgun to a 200 lincoln red face. I have one hooked up to my miller 200 wire feed.  The 200 wire feed is about 20 years old so to hook up the spoolgun I needed a small black box.  Thats what I have any help would be great  Thanks
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-09-2007 02:25
Yes, BUT... There is a bigger blue box, WC-115A that is a voltage sensing controll, but it needs 115V AC power, If You have a 115V AC power source it would work. WC-III is a similar older unit that works with the Airco and older Miller guns. This needs 115V AC also.
Parent - - By jp2welder (**) Date 07-12-2007 13:25
Wouldn't the Lincoln LN-25 be better for this?

I would think something like this on eBay would be ideal for ya:

I've never tried hooking an LN-25 up to a 200, so you would be the expert there.
Parent - - By 357max (***) Date 07-12-2007 18:49
For FCA & Steel GMA it would be easy; but it is difficult at best to push aluminum wire through a 10-15 foot gun liner.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-13-2007 03:58
I guess the question should be : Is thare a spoolgun controll that is powered across the arc? At one time I think there may have been, but I don't know of any.
Parent - By 357max (***) Date 07-13-2007 14:41
The Miller spool gun uses 24 VAC. the WC 115 is a step down transformer (therein is the need for 115 VAC) and weld control that can be wired to use the arc voltage as a voltage sensing wire feeder. I don't know of any voltage sensing spoolguns without need for a control box.
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 07-14-2007 03:46
I think some of the old lincolns could be set to be powered by the arc voltage (ln-10 or so) not sure about others.  The disadvantage is that the gun stays live all the time.  Its not a very big power draw, why not get one of the inverter power supplies that camper folks use and run it off the starting battery?
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / spoolgun on 200 redface

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