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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Wondering if any men have info of jobs in Texas
- - By momonthego (*) Date 07-11-2007 14:38
My husband has been having a time finding jobs here lately.....he usually finds them right away.......right now they are saying we will have some work in a month or come back in August or let me see if I can find you a spot. Right now he is working for one man that can always find him some work......but that is only for a couple of days.........Please help if you can..........???????? I will certainly appreciate..from a welders wife just trying to help her husband really works........
Parent - - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 07-11-2007 15:04
Thers a ton of work in Texas. You need to be more specific on what type of welding. Plate,pipe, and tube welder. Then I can give you names and places and wages.
Parent - - By momonthego (*) Date 07-12-2007 03:48
WE are not talking about shop jobs---single hand. WE are talking about mobile rig welding-------stick welding p5+ 7018 that is what kind of job we are looking for pipe jobs maybe drilling equipment hopefully I have given you all more specific's of what I am talking about.....thanks again with much appreciation......
Parent - By jp2welder (**) Date 07-12-2007 13:09
Most of these "pipeliners" in Texas are independant (have their own rigs). If you are in that boat, you are golden! Lots of new oil fields being built (with pipe going from the well head to the separator, treaters, tanks and pipeline) and they all require pipelines to the main relay station.

I'm out of the oil field these days. I work at LeTourneau Technology. Mostly shop welders here were they start around $13-17 per hour, based on your experience and what tests you pass.

Don't know where to tell you to turn to for pipeline work. Maybe call some drilling companies?
Parent - By chuck meadows (***) Date 07-11-2007 19:42
I agree with Mark, there are plenty of jobs in Texas. Especially along the Gulf Coast you will see billboards advertising for welders, newspapers, even signs posted in front of businesses. It might be hard finding a job over the internet, but I cannot imagine not being able to find a job if your husband is willing to travel to Texas and start searching. Perhaps he can pull up the Houston Chronicle on the internet and look under "Crafts and Trades". At least that is a start. Good luck, but there are lots of jobs out there.
Parent - - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 07-11-2007 20:29
Go to the industerial tradesman and sign up for 3 months and it will tell you about nearly every job in the USA. I mean pay,duration,per diem, and all the contact #s.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-11-2007 20:34
There are more welding jobs than virtually any other state in the country in Texas.  You obviously have computer access so have him look at just for starters.  Welder's are also drawing premium wages in nearly all states due to the shortage of skilled crafts, while some may disagree with that statement they're simply not looking hard enough in my opinion.  Even here, in depressed economy Michigan, my company would double its highly skilled workforce if we could only find them!
Parent - - By Cole Welding (**) Date 07-13-2007 10:49
Where in texas????  i am a rig welder and i havent worked my rig sense nov of last year
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-13-2007 11:40
If you take a look at the websites I've posted above there are literally dozens of ads screaming for welders in Texas and Lousianna.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 07-14-2007 17:07
If you live in Texas and there is an oilfield within 100 miles you should be able to find rig work. If you live in Texas period you should be able to find work. YOU will have to hustle for it as even though contractors are crying for welders, you do have to ask them for the work. I live in the Permian Basin and while there is a slow down right now, a lot of companies AFE's are in their mid year review. I test 5-20 welders a week and the last month the testing has slowed down. But my contacts have booked me almost full for August so it looks like the last half of the year will be pretty good. My contacts in Fort Worth tell me they are seeing the same thing. El Paso is kinda slow but work around Borger/Dumas is going pretty well for refinery's and gas pipelines.  THere is a big CO2 project in Clayton NM which is in the far NW Panhandle. Hess and Oxy have large CAPX projects at their CO2 plants in West Texas. South Texas around Laredo, Alice and Corpus is about the same. Houston is Houston and if you cant find rig work around there you are either lazy or cant pass the Pee test. All they want is you to fog a mirror and pass the pee test. If you cant pass the pipe weld test, they will keep you on as a structure welder and bolt buster.
That pretty well sums up Texas. Eastern NM is boomong, you just cant find any place to live or park a trailer. Giant/Western keeps blowing up Ceniza in Gallup and Four Corners is booming too. Same issue with having a place to lay your head.
But you are going to have to leave the cave, knock something in the head and drag it home yourself. If you head to Odessa, take a week to hit the contractors you should have a job in less than a week.
Parent - By Cole Welding (**) Date 07-15-2007 07:49
ok??  what sites do you go too????  What Are the names of some of the Companies to contact??  I will head south in a few days and look around and see what there is to find
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-15-2007 10:49
"Houston is Houston and if you cant find rig work around there you are either lazy or cant pass the Pee test." LOL Thats about as blunt as it gets.
Parent - - By Cole Welding (**) Date 07-15-2007 21:58
ok i will head to houston. is texas city a good place to start???
Parent - By momonthego (*) Date 07-16-2007 17:53
My husband found a job paying $45 an hr thanks for all your help
Parent - - By momonthego (*) Date 07-16-2007 18:02
Texas is Texas there is work every........Yes I am about 90% sure you will find work in Texas City.........The only thing is my husband does not like to travel so he tries to stay in certain areas...........that is why when people start giving me info well first of all this is a family of six he does not like to travel..............we are tied to our church as well.......... they give me info on shop jobs & everything else under the sun but my husband is not going to start working for $15 or $20 an hr when he can work his rig & make $45 an hr.........but I do appreciate all the websites people gave me that was very helpful if the other job was not going to work out..................Texas is the best place to find jobs..
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-16-2007 20:37
Alright, I'm done ribbing you. If you want to have steady work in Texas, try Flint Energy. They pay for the hand, the truck, and per dium. It usually works out to 55 an hour plus 100 bucks tax free per day. Get on it right away though, because the urine test takes about 10 days to come back. I don't know many self employed people that can wait 10 days for work.
Parent - - By momonthego (*) Date 07-16-2007 20:40
Parent - - By Wes531 (*) Date 07-18-2007 15:14
If you dont mind me asking who is your husband working for. I am trying to find a job myself. I have my own rig as well and live in Louisiana and cant find anything around here.
Parent - - By momonthego (*) Date 07-20-2007 02:54
Parent - - By Wes531 (*) Date 07-20-2007 13:36
Ok thanks!  I appreciate all the help I can get :)!
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 08-24-2007 13:23
Job openings. What a mess.

Aug. 24, 2007, 12:50AM
Imported labor rights at heart of dispute
Mexican welders walk off the job, find they can't work elsewhere

Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle

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When 33 Mexican welders with permits to be in this country while working for a Channelview shipyard walked off the job earlier this month, they stepped into the heart of a debate over the rights of imported laborers.

The men say they are victims of a labor recruiter's bait-and-switch offer. When they arrived in Channelview, they say they found unsafe working conditions and lower-than-promised paychecks. So they went to work for another company in Mississippi.

And that is where the trouble started.

Federal officials say the men, all from the coastal state of Veracruz, were permitted to be in the United States, but only while working in Channelview for Southwest Shipyard.

If they had a complaint, they should have first contacted the Department of Labor, which they did not.

Southwest Shipyard had permission from the federal government to hire the Mexican workers after proving it couldn't find anyone in the Houston area to take the hot, sweaty and difficult job of welder for $14 an hour.

"You can't put a big barge in an air-conditioned house," Carla Cotropia, a lawyer who spoke on behalf of Southwest Shipyard, said Thursday. "We have a lot of trouble finding enough people interested in the work locally. It is hot. It is Texas. It is August."

Cotropia said the workers were paid the going rate for full-time employment, along with benefits, and that although one worker suffered a minor electrical shock while on the job and another had a non-fatal heart attack, work conditions met safety standards.

She denied there was any abuse.

The Mexican government is checking the 33 men's claims and is awaiting a determination from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration regarding any possible safety issues, said Carlos Garcia, who is in charge of the protection department for Mexico's consulate general in Houston.

"A formal (consulate) investigation is under way," said Garcia, who added that each of the men, who are now believed to be at a shelter in New Orleans, have been interviewed separately.

The dispute points to the basic problem of having imported foreign workers who are not allowed the same rights as U.S. workers -- including being able to quit a job and immediately look for a new one, he said.

"In some situations, they are basically modern-day slaves," Garcia said.

How much flexibility imported workers should have has been a major point of discussion as the United States considers whether to one day launch a much larger guest-worker program.

The workers' cause captured a larger stage this week when civil and immigration-rights advocates organized a news conference under the rotunda of the state Capitol in Jackson, Miss.

The workers said recruiters lied to them about how much Southwest would pay them and the working conditions.

The workers said that after relocating to Mississippi, they were confronted by a Pascagoula police officer and a labor recruiter and told that the labor recruiter was "their owner."

They said they were told that if they did not go with him, they would be deported for violating the conditions of their work permit, known as a visa.

They said police rounded them up, packed them in a local hotel and told them not to try and flee, according to a statement released by the groups.

"It is clear to us that the Pascagoula police department is in collusion with those contractors," said Bill Chandler, executive director of the Mississippi Immigrant Rights Alliance. "If they are forcing workers to move from one place to another against their will, that is kidnapping."

Eddie Stewart, Pascagoula's interim police chief, denied any wrongdoing and said his officers were merely responding to a labor dispute.

"These allegations are totally without merit. All we did was mediate a situation between two contractors," he said. "We did nothing -- no arrests, no detainment -- nothing at all."

The recruiting company declined to comment.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-24-2007 13:31
14 an hour going rate???? I'd say no they could'nt find local welders. Not at that rate anyway. I've been in Mexico over a year now, and on this project they're paying 25 and thats in Mexico. I'm thinking channelview could find welders with ease if they'd pay what their actually worth. It states volumes that the Mexican workers will walk off the job.
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-24-2007 17:28
Lets be sure to encourage welders to hire out to Southwest Shipyards. They seem like a great company to work for and will have safe conditions for their welders. And lets not forget the skank lawyer spokesperson who talked about the wonderful conditions these obviously over pampered welders were forced to work in. Remember Southwest Shipyards. Has anyone checked to see if they are a AWS supporting member. I bet with their exemplary record of great pay, benifits and working conditions, AWS will be proud to see Southwest Shipyards is head up as a shining example. Remember Southwest Shipyards.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Wondering if any men have info of jobs in Texas

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