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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Fillet Weld Qualification
- - By cfletcher Date 07-11-2007 22:16
I am getting confused and trying to solve a bunch of WPS problems (why are fillet welds so complicated). I just need it spelled out for me. I interrupt D1.1 per 4.11.2 as saying every fillet weld WPS must be qualified per mechanical testing (macro-etching). These are not Pre-Qualified procedures (just FYI). Am I wrong and I can just do the maxium single pass and minimum multipass and have qualified all smaller welds?
Parent - By rickc (**) Date 07-12-2007 16:35
We usually qualify with a CJP Goove weld which also gets us PCP and fillets so, I haven't looked to carefully at qualifying only fillets yet but, the third sentence in the section 4.11.2 reads, "These two fillet weld tests may be combined in a single test weldment or assembly." They even show a picture of how to do it in Figure 4.19 on page 169 of the 2006 version.
Parent - - By Phalen (*) Date 07-13-2007 18:18
I AM having the same problem and nobody can seem to help me ether.  I did find in cpt 3 it says somthing about a pre-qualified WPS but I could not find one.  Some people say just write one and stay in the peramiters, but if it was that easy why would chpt4 have a section to qualify one.  As far as I can tell you have to Qualify for fillets.  I don' think that is fare to have pre-qual CPs and not for fillets.
Parent - - By pax23 (**) Date 07-13-2007 18:37 Edited 07-13-2007 18:48
No, you guys are moving off course here on this one.

Let's start at Chapter 3.
3.1 - The code allows me to do prequalified procedures, but they have to be backed by a written document
3.9 - Here are my fillet weld LIMITATIONS or PARAMETERS. There's not much here dealing with nontubular or non skewed T-joints. It just tells me that I have to "watch it" or be aware of a few limitations on lap joints. That's it, those are your limitations on nontubular fillet welds. Everything else is within prequalified limits.

Table 3.7 provides me my maximum single pass weld size for a prequalified procedures
Table 5.8 gives me my minimum fillet weld sizes (this is a requirement for both prequalified and qualified procedures)

So, where is the illustration for a prequalified joint detail for a plain 90° T-Joint fillet weld in Chapter 3. There is none. Not because its not prequalified but rather there is no need. The code has illustrations for CJP, PJP, skewed, and TYKs because they are fairly complex geometries which are difficult to codify with just language. There's no need to illustrate a prequalified T-joint for a fillet weld.

Why does the code have a section in Chapter 4 for fillet welds? Well, you might be using an unlisted steel or a nonprequalified electrode or nonprequalified welding process, so in those cases you would need to follow the fillet qualification tests in Chapter 4.
Parent - By Phalen (*) Date 07-13-2007 19:54
Thank you that helps me alot.  I have been doing it that way for 6 years but all on assumption.  I have always thought there was a spacific pre-qual WPS for fillet in CHPT3, I went to look and could not find it I thought I had been messing up all these years.  I guess in a small way I was by never looking, I do always look at all other WPSs though.  Thanks.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Fillet Weld Qualification

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