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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / macro etching
- - By beercrew Date 07-13-2007 07:47
Hello all i am a weld engineer out of the UK and am looking for a pc camera system to photograph and record weld macros. The system is for our wheel plant in Iowa, I could bring a system from europe but would prefer to use a home grown system if available. Can anyone suggest (from experiance) where I should look.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-13-2007 16:45 Edited 07-13-2007 17:38

There is a digital camera called a NIKON COOLPIX S-10.  This has the closest focusing (2 CM) Macro / Multi purpose lens available in an out of the box camera.  In the USA, this camera can be bought at discount stores for less than $375.00 US.  It has an internally focusing lens group, so you can also place it directly on top of a microscope and take an automatically focused micro-photo!  (Turn the internal flash OFF) The body swivels around almost 350 degrees, so it can be used "Out of Position" very easily.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-13-2007 17:26
What is the name of that gadget you used to take those photos that you showed me one time? My Dad was asking about it the other day, and I could not remember what it was you told me.....
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-13-2007 17:46

I believe I showed you photos of the copper flashing in the Type 316L SS pipe branch joint root.  In any case, I used a Nikon Coolpix 4500 and a ten power Peak Optical Comparator, with a multipurpose graduated grid lens in it.  I also showed you photos taken close up with the NIKON COOLPIX S-10 Digital Camera.  This is the only readil;y available consumer camera with an internally moving auto-focusing lens complex, that can allow you to use it with the lens laying directly on a microscope eye piece.  In addition, it can focus at 2 centimeters in Macro mode.
Parent - By beercrew Date 07-23-2007 10:53
thanks i will check it out
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / macro etching

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