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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / need x-ray help
- - By blrrat4200 Date 07-29-2007 14:03
hey guys, i need some advice. i need to know some basics, pipe test in 6-g position on 2 1/2 extra heavy wall ,ive got to put in 1/8 6010 root & finish with 3/32 7018.please give advice on proper procedure as to where to start &stop. i'm guessing at 6:00 & run vertical back to 12:00,  or should 6010 be run downhill , i can do both but i'm trying to pass an x- ray for the first time . iv'e got 3 test coupons & acouple days to work the bugs out. sure would appreciate some wisdom on where my start & stop points should be &any tid bits about passing an x-ray test  ?  do i grind  all staarts & stops  i even thought about taking a long neck grinder & grinding inside  the root pass to make it apear clean ; but i reckon thats cheating , please give advice  
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 07-29-2007 16:31
The weld direction on the bead and rod selection will determine your qualification. Running the bead with 6010 downhill will not qualify you to run the red up hill. Change in direction is a essential variable. Many HW procedures require a bead and hot pass with 6010 DH and finish with LH. This will qualify the welder up to 1/2 inch of 6010 and unlimited for 7018 using only one weld coupon. The reason is due to brittle fracture, 60XX rods are limited to 1/2 inch and less thickness. Many (most) refinerys and petrochemical plants and fabricators require everything to be done uphill. IF you get caught running a bead and HP downhill after qualification you will get run off.
Parent - - By medicinehawk (**) Date 07-29-2007 20:03
I would go uphill because since you are finishing the balance with 7018 you'll get a slighly beefier root which will help. IF it was me.......I'd use a 1/8" root opening with a "nickel" land.
Tack coupon in 4 spots about 3/8" -1/2" long tacks.
Examine the root opening carefully because one quarter (section between tacks) will be closed up slightly more than the other 3 quarters and this is the quarter you want to weld first.
The pipe coupon should be fixed in the jig at a 45 degree angle with the fore mentioned tack being at 6 o'clock.
I always weld the "hard"side first. If you are right handed this would be going from 6 o'clock to 3 o'clock looking at the opening of the pipe.
e mail me for more details.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-30-2007 13:25
Grind all stops and starts unless told not to. As for progression; this is almost always determined by the contractor. Be ready for both.
If your right handed, rotate your tacks counterclockwise so that the tack is higher on the difficult side and you don't have contort your body too much to get to it.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / need x-ray help

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