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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Reducing fumes and smoke
- - By heimjo Date 03-19-2001 23:11
I am trying to locate information about reducing weld smoke/fumes that may be caused by inadequate surface prep (welding plates with some amount of rust acquired during shipment). We are trying to determine whether acid dipping, or other surface cleaning (wheelabrating) just prior to welding will reduce the amount of smoke/fumes created.

Does anyone know of any study that has been conducted to identify the factors that control the amount of fumes/smoke produced? Someone at EWI said they believed that the oxide on the steel would actually reduce the amount of smoke. That flys in the face of the direction we are about to go (heavy investment in bringing white metal to the weld booths).
Parent - By fschweighardt (***) Date 03-28-2001 13:32
We have some studies that show how shielding gasses can dramatically reduce smoke and fumes. If you are interested in GMAW or FCAW processes, contact me at
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Reducing fumes and smoke

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