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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / CWI 9-Year Recertification Course
- - By thirdeye (***) Date 08-05-2007 21:49
Looking over the options for 9 year recertification I noticed the 6 day course that is offered.  If I am reading this right ..... Some home study is performed prior to this course, then a 6 day course is attended.  There is no exam taken.

For those of you that have taken this option, would you please share some comments?  The continuing education credits are not a reliable option for me and I thought the only other option was the hands-on examination.  Being a sponge for knowledge, this might be a good way to go as the information covered sounds very broad.

Anyway, hoping for some input on this.


Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-06-2007 05:19
There's a lot of options available to as a means of opting out of taking the Part B or the CWI examination for the 9 year recert.

You can take an open book code examination, get certified for NDT method, take a course that will improve you knowledge of welding, metallurgy, etc. Any one of which will improve your understanding of the science of welding, NDT, or simply improve your "personal" growth. It might even be less expensive than the 6 day "Boot Camp".

Good luck - Al
Parent - By kipman (***) Date 08-06-2007 05:52
I did the boot camp in 2006.  The instructor did a fine job of facilitating discussions and presenting AWS's materials.  The real learning during the week, however, came from the hundreds of years of combined experience in the room.  There were a number of 18 year CWIs and even a 27 year CWI. 
I enjoyed the boot camp and found it to be worthwhile over and above the fact that it provided me with the points necessary for 9yr recertification.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 08-06-2007 09:22
I attended the first Boot Camp in Beaumont TX (forgot what year that was- 2000?).

Being the pilot program, there were a few things lacking in planning, available space etc. - but the instruction was not lacking IMO.  Ken Coryell tried hard to make the seminar worthwhile and took the approach that everyone already knew how to use fillet gauges and work with codes.  Instead he went deeper into topics like metallurgy, weld testing, and problem solving. 
I'm sure some folks didn't care, some might have felt like it was waste of time and money.  I did not.  I learned a lot- and as Kipmank said- I also learned a lot from the experiences of all the other CWIs.  When you consider that anyone there had from nearly 9 years to 27+ years of experience, you are bound to get something out of the seminar.
The biggest problem I had was catching up after being gone for a week, but I get that after vacations anyway.

Yes, there are other ways to go about CWI renewal - it's like choosing from the many flavors listed at the ice cream stand- but I was glad I attended.
Parent - By thirdeye (***) Date 08-07-2007 14:15
Al, Kip, Chet,

Thanks.  Sounds like an honest assessment from you guys.  I was hoping I'd hear something along those lines.

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / CWI 9-Year Recertification Course

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