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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / need code info
- - By weld777 Date 08-10-2007 21:03
code D.1 D6.28 for stainless steel 304L i'm a weld supervisor and company we do business wants to make sure we are useing code to its specification need info boss is to tight to buy the book thanx weld777
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 08-10-2007 21:21
good luck
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 08-10-2007 21:33
This message sounds like Viet Nam clipspeak. Could you translate into English?
Parent - By weld777 Date 08-11-2007 01:41
well i basicly need the welding perameters of this code that is called out on the print and i just was wondering if anyone has come a crossed it in the past could give me the up and up so to speak thanx weld777
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-11-2007 04:06
I would like to help, but in this instance, helping by giving you a snippet of code would probably do more harm than good. If your going to do business by fabricating to the D1.6 code, your going to have to have the book. If your customer has it specified, they will already have retained it most likely and any attempt to B.S. your way through it without having it in hand to back yourself up is asking for trouble.

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-11-2007 12:36
Attempting to do a code job without the code to reference is like driving coast to coast in 1915 without a map. You could use a compass, but there's are going to be a lot of dead ends. In your case, the cost of rework, replacing materials, etc. could have you and your employer looking for gainful emploment elsewhere in short order.

The cost of the code is pennies compared to what you will spend for rework.

Good luck - Al
Parent - - By weld777 Date 08-12-2007 00:32
i agree i told my boss that we need the book but he thinks he does not need it and is having one of our gas suppliers salesman check into it i went to school for welding and i am proud of what i do i also used to teach at a local college i get so frustrated w/ my boss there are those days he says i'm a perfectionist and he just wants to get it out the door well qaunity sells but so does qaulity ya know 
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 08-12-2007 03:30 Edited 08-12-2007 03:36
Your boss sounds like he is not in business for the long haul.  He may or may not wiggle his way through the job by claiming he is welding to a standard he has not even read.  But, the customer's bad experience will make him go elsewhere on the next order.  We have this same problem with metal products from some foreign manufacturers that claim their pipe meets an ASTM standard even though they don't have a copy and can't tell you what the requirements are.  You might want to talk to your local AWS chapter and review the copy in their technical library.  You will need to prepare written welding procedures, qualify the welders, meet the workmanship requirements, minimum weld size requirements, meet the weld acceptance criteria, etc., etc., etc.  There's a lot of requirements that need to be addressed and unless you have a copy available there's no way to know what they all are.

Good Luck
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-12-2007 19:00
That's an excellent recommendation Marty.

I forget that each AWS Section has a library. Each section has their own rules on allowing the books to be taken out. Its another benefit of being a member of AWS.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By weld777 Date 08-12-2007 21:56
thanx guys i hope i can get him to reconsider this a big customer of ours don't want to lose the bussiness ya know thanx again
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / need code info

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