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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / I use Butter... What do you use?
- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-15-2007 04:52 Edited 08-15-2007 04:56
Hi Folks!!!

I use butter what do you use??
Pass the butter ~ ~ ~  This is interesting.
Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys,
the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put
their heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back.
It was a white substance with no food appeal so they added the yellow coloring and sold it
to people to use in place of butter. How do you like it? They have come out with some clever new flavorings.

DO YOU KNOW... the difference between margarine and butter?

Read on to the end...gets very interesting!

Both have the same amount of calories.
Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams compared to 5 grams.
Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of Butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.

Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods.
Butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few only because they are added!
Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavors of other foods.
Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around for less than 100 years.
And now, for Margarine..

Very high in Trans fatty acids.
Triple risk of coronary heart disease.
Increases total cholesterol and LDL (this is the bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol) Increases the risk of cancers up to five fold. Lowers quality of breast milk. Decreases immune response. Decreases insulin response.

And here's the most disturbing fact.... HERE IS THE PART THAT IS VERY INTERESTING!
Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC..
This fact alone was enough to have me avoid margarine for life and anything else that is
hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance).

You can try this yourself: Purchase a tub of margarine and leave it in your garage or shaded area. Within a couple of days you will note a couple of things:

* no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something)

* it does not rot or smell differently because it has no nutritional value; nothing will grow on it even those
teeny weeny micro-organisms will not a find a home to grow. Why? Because it is nearly plastic that unless they pu a teeny weeny bit of "Olive Oil" which we all know is of organic origin!!!

Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast? Butter or "Parkay???" next time think about what you read here -CAPISH???

Share This With Your Friends.....(If you want to "butter them up")! :) :) :)

Parent - - By Mwccwi (***) Date 08-15-2007 13:39
think about quality & product integrity -space shuttle, bridges and what-not, they know it's not right and have identified problems but chose to take the risk because of $$$$$$. Kinda the same with butter and margarine :) :)
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 08-15-2007 16:30
* no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something)

What about butterflies?
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-15-2007 18:54 Edited 08-15-2007 18:56
If there's some organic additives like corn, canola or olive oil added for flavoring which turns it into a ELE Hybrid!!! So the "Butterflies" will show up!!! :) :) :) Dumb little buggers!!!

Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 08-15-2007 16:57
I have always used real butter, real salt, and real sugar. I drink real beer, eat real beef, and fresh farm eggs, (which have about a third of the cholesteral). I eat fresh produce from my garden and greenhouse and eat fresh salmon and trout from the stream. I have real fights, real sex, and real friends......

Does this mean, " keepin it real"??
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 08-15-2007 17:29
Hello sourdough, I'm still going to be laughing tomorrow. Many thanks for the mental picture that your post invoked. Regards, aevald
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-15-2007 18:08
Better to "keep it real"  than to MARGENize ones self eh?
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-15-2007 18:44 Edited 08-15-2007 18:49
Hi Larry!!!
You never cease to amaze me SIR!!!
Elegantly put!!! " Better to keep it real than to Margarinalize one self eh?"
I hope you do'nt mind the slight change in the spelling. :) :) :)

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 08-15-2007 19:44
Henry, I rather enjoy some of the mistakes, they make for amusing reading sometimes and other times they're like a puzzle and they work my brain a bit trying to figure out what they meant. Regards, Allan
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-15-2007 19:53
I did'nt say it was a mistake, I just decided to change the spelling a bit to see how it would come out and I rather liked it :) Although I do agree about the intent of your message because, the same happens to me when I read some posts... I believe it keeps us sharp for the time being :) :) :)

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-16-2007 03:25
Henry My Man!

You are the victem of an urban legend.

The whole "one molecule" away from plastic thing had a funny ring to it.

The best rue and hollendaise are made with real butter as are the best cookies...

Believe it or not..... I was a professional cook before I took up the trades...

And remember fellas

It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-16-2007 03:56 Edited 08-16-2007 04:43
Hi Larry!!!
Do'nt you realize that the French have always claimed to be the first at inventing just about everything???
It was only after they changed from using Beef fat to vegetable oil did they realize that they made a real mistake especially when they, and who is they??? Shoot!!! I do'nt know!!! In any event, they blew it when they started to chemically change the vegetable oil!!! They tested it on turkeys to see if the new recipe would make em huge!!! (Hows that for speelin???)

Voila!!! The turkey's croaked, and right there and then they needed to make use of it somehow because, beef fat was just getting too expensive, as was milk, and they dfinitely do'nt have enough of that margaric acid to use as called for in the original recipe... Whale blubber was out of the question so, one of the very shrewd investors of the group decided to see how humans would fair if they introduced it to their diet...

Nobody who tried it died, so they all jumped for joy screaming "We're all gonna be rich!!!" They did and once again, we all were duped (except Sourdough :)) into thinking that margarine would be safer for us than or is it then - hmmmmm???? Now I'm confused:) :) :) Anywho, safer than butter for us to consume which is the key word here!!! Now nobody can seem to figure out how to get rid of it!!! especially from their own bodies I might add!!! Not so with Butter :) :) :)
BTW Larry, that article was written by the "Margarine Lobby" :) :) :)

I never cooked professionally, so to speak except that is, in the galley of a submarine, barbecueing on the superstucture of "boomer" during a few patrols, and while I was on top of one while we were building SSBN727/USS MICHIGAN using one of the electrical strip heaters normally used for pre-heating but, I've outcooked or outbarbecued anyone who claimed the same... At least that's what everyone said to me after they ate my dishes because, they could'nt stop licking the plates :) ;) :)

Btw, does'nt that woman in the picture posing as "Mother Nature" look a little like "Judge Judy" when she was a bit younger than she is these days??? ;)

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-16-2007 04:15
I TRIED dipping My MIG nozzle in butter, but it got all rancid & stinkey, and there were flies & ants all over it. Same problem with using it for anti spatter. I am sticking with margarine.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-16-2007 06:05
Parent - By gndchuck (**) Date 08-15-2007 23:13
All the guys that I work with haven't stopped laughing since you posted that......every time that I think about it I giggle to myself.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 08-16-2007 02:10
Whatever you do; DON'T USE SHORTENING!!!!  You'll go blind later on in life!
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 08-17-2007 00:14
Don't use shortening - use Viagra......
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-17-2007 05:11
You'll still go blind!!! :( :( :(

Use Yohimbe bark if you must!!! :) :) :) It'll take a lickin and keep on tickin as you will still be able to see both the minute, and second hands turn round and round!!! :) :) :)
Besides, it's all natural :)

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-17-2007 05:16
You know something Henry, I've used butter all my life, but I can't say as I've ever had a moment when I woke up wondering why.
Day after I read your post I went out and got a small package of margarine plopped a load of it near an ant hill and turned my camera on.
Nothing, Nada, ants had no interest.
Now I find myself wondering what the hell else is out there like it.

Elsewhere on the forum, someone made a comment about welding with a big magnifying glass. This forum can cost the curious hours and hours of time in research. I found myself trying to answer why it wouldn't work and could not come up with an answer. Sounds ridiculous on the surface, but in truth it's actually plausible assuming as many will report that a magnifying lens will catch a piece of paper on fire. Turns out the auto ignition temperature of the average piece of paper is 451 F. Which finally clued me in on the reason for the book name "fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury. That aside, depending on elevation, a 4" magnifying glass can get a spot source close to 500 F, and higher with a cleaner lens. Then I found myself asking was it a joke in reality. There is a significant loss of intensity for solar radiation from our atmosphere. Figuring out the exact loss is not easy, but in general, the law of energy conservation says there has to be a balance and therefore the absorption will be about 50 percent of incident energy, the balance being on the infrared end being emitted back into space. Given the magnifying lens concentrates energy to a focal point, the same 4 inch lens in space would be approximately 1100 F. Larger lens, same focal point size, more energy. Coupled with a few other technologies, the idea of using a magnifying lens becomes plausible. Can't say feasible, but plausible.

The real question is why do people sit around looking up things like butter vs margarine, and magnifying glasses.

That would be an answer I would very much like to get opinions on just for the hell of it.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-17-2007 08:00
Good Question!!!

This story was sent to me so, I guess it fell on my lap??? Sort of like when the apple fell on???:) :) :)
However, I really do agree with you regarding the "Magnifying glass" approach in space!!!
a bit of "American ingenuity" and I'd say we'll get it down pat in a giffy!!! :) :) :)
Ahhh!!! The urge to motivate either oneself or others!!!!

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-17-2007 08:02
ummmm well if we did not think about strange things in our idle moments neither margerine, space travel or magnifying lenses would have happend I think....we would still be trying to kill each other with rocks or sticks for a scrap of some dead varmit we found.  It is human nature to be curious and wonder what would happen if.....thats how I discovered hitting pistol blanks with a hammer on our concrete driveway when I was 6 would quickly make me go deaf.
Parent - By OBEWAN (***) Date 09-07-2007 18:20
The latest flap is over fake butter in microwave popcorn.  It can cause a disease called "popcorn lung".  Can be quite serious.
One guy got wrecked because he used to nuke 2 bags a day and inhale the stream when opening the bag.  Butter is not a problem I guess.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / I use Butter... What do you use?

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