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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / branch test welds???
- - By pipeliner01 (**) Date 08-19-2007 23:20
I'm from Canada, on pipeline job tests here we just do a single butt weld, and it gets shot. What's the signifigance of these branch tests you guys talk about?? Is that for tieing into another line or something, because here we use Y-Laterals and transition fittings, cold cut each end of the existing line, mud plug it and weld  your 2 tie-in joints.  Lee, maybe you know something I don't. Is it a big inch thing or something, I dunno, just curious.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-21-2007 01:35
The branch test is to qualify the welder to weld out of position. A weld-o-let on the side of the pipe is a legal weld. If you have to weld it on a pipeline, the 6G (Arkansas Bellhole) will only qualify you to weld a butt weld. Not the resulting filet weld required for a weld-o-let. I can pick or pull on qualifying welders by x-ray vs Iron Horse. Seen good welders bust both and bad welders pass a xray.
Parent - - By pipeliner01 (**) Date 08-21-2007 03:26
interesting, see we weld on lots of weld-o-lets and thread o's but we still only do one test.  Strange how things work in different countries.
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 08-21-2007 03:44
I think I read somewhere that the branch test is to see just exactly what your skill level is. Being that it's a pretty involved deal, your garden variety worm is not too likely to slip through.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 08-21-2007 10:08
any pics of a branch test before welding?
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-21-2007 19:37
If you are qualifying to API 1104 it does not make any difference where you are in the world. If you qualified by a 6G test, you are not qualified to weld a weld-o-let on a pipeline. HOWEVER, if you qualified to weld on a pipeline by ASME Section IX, then you are qualified to weld a weld-o-let on a pipeline. DOT allows the owner operator to qualify their welders by either method. Just most pipeline welders are qualified to 1104 and it requires a branch test.
Parent - - By jarsanb (***) Date 08-25-2007 18:09
I'm currious to where you find this acceptance criteria. The "branch" is a "mulitiple" qualification test. Which is stated to qualify the welder for all joint designs, all fittings, positions, diameters and wall thicknesses. True, if you just do a butt, you fall into the single or limited qualification ranges that are applicable, which joint design falls under. But I'm curious to where the ruling of a weld-o-let comes from. The code states you must lay-out, cut and fit a 12" to 12" diameter branch with at least a .250 WT. Also the branch must protrude downward. You say it can be put on the side of a pipe? Where have you recieved this ruling?
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-26-2007 03:12
True the branch test must be welded out with the branch down. When you make a field weld, the weld/thread/sock-o-let can be anywhere on the pipe. It is common on pipelines for the weld to be on the side or top of the pipe from a ease of connection view.  As for ruling, I work with an engineer. I am familiar with B31.5 and 31.8 along with DOT 192 and 195. If the approved construction drawings show the connection on the side, I get it put on the side.A lot of these connections are hot taps where the o-let is welded to the carrier pipe, the proper length of a nipple and flange is welded on the o-let and the whole shebang is NDT and hydro-tested. Sometimes the o-let, nipple and flange are prefabricated and all that is done is the o-let is welded to the carrier pipe, NDE and then hydro-tested. Some companies require a split tee where the forged fitting is welded to the pipe, tested and then tapped. These are used a lot in stopple situations where the line needs to be blocked off for installation of valves or replacement of pipe. Welders here must no only be multiple qualified, but pass API 1107. Another special breed of welder is one who welds on loaded lines. Nothing like having 450 psi of LPG or gasoline 0.375 inches away from a hot electrode.
Parent - - By jarsanb (***) Date 08-26-2007 19:34
I was strictly referring to testing and qualifications. I didn't realize you were also commenting on production or field welds. I am in the same industry, including the welding on in-service lines. I thought what you were saying was that you qualify welders to the "multiple" criteria using an o-let on the side of a pipe. Which I don't entirely disagree with, but I tried to get approval for an o-let for qualification testing and was shot down by member of API 1104. It wasn't an "official" inquiry by legal terms, but still held weight. I was just interested if you had received an official ruling from the API on this practice that was different from the one I had received a few years ago. We also give the API 1107 testing (API 1104 Appendix B In-Service Welding). On few occasions you'll need these done together in 7-8 hrs, 12" butt - 12" branch - Live 6G Sleeve, which is a stretch for many.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-27-2007 03:06
Making an inquiry to any API committee is mostly a fools errand. Nothing against the members who serve on them as it is truly somewhat thankless. But if you make an inquiry it is brought up at the next meeting and discussed. It it will be discussed and either voted on or tabled until the next meeting. If it takes three meetings to get an answer, then up to 18 months have passed. So taking something to API for variance to a standard would be too hard. If it was my nickel for this type of welding, I would qualify the welders to Section IX. A 2 inch SCH 80 and 8 Inch Sch 80 with a open root 7018 would tell you more about the ability of the welders than the branch. But so far, it is not my call, the companies want Butt-n-Branch and the full wrap with the fluid being pumped through. 2-3 days of hard welding and some companies bust you on all if you miss one.
Parent - By pipefitter100 (*) Date 09-21-2007 04:31
could someone please give me the measurements and ordinances for a 12 on 12 branch that true pipeliners use if so i would greatly appreciate it.
Parent - By downhandonly (***) Date 09-21-2007 11:55
I've never done one either.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / branch test welds???

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