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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / WPS's, PQR's and WPQ's
- - By Diversified Date 08-23-2007 20:39
Who offers the three day seminar on writing WPS's,PQR's,and WPQ's?
Also, who offers training on filler wire and qualify procedures?

Does AWS?

Please let me know.

Thank you.

Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-23-2007 21:37
I you are dealing with ASME Section IX check out API RP 577. It shows you how to write and qualify these documents. Cost is $125  but it walks you through Section IX line by line on WPS and PQR's
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-24-2007 00:43
The AWS does offer (1 day) seminars at the welding expo every year... I've done all of these and thought they were worth it.

The Why and How of Welding Procedure Specifications
Instructor: Ken Coryell

Inspection to the New D1.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel
Instructor: Richard Campbell

Road Map through the 2006 D1.1/D1.1M:2006 Structural Welding Code - Steel
Instructor: Ron Theiss
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 08-24-2007 13:48

The full-day AWS seminar "Why and How of Welding Procedure Specifications" will be offered in Chicago (at the show) on Nov. 12. Cost is $345 for AWS, FMA, NAM or SME members ($480 for nonmembers).
Register at

AWS Marketing
Parent - - By Diversified Date 09-04-2007 16:14
On 07-13-2007, 'strat' made a post titled: "Thanks To A QA Manager".  In this post he stated that he went to a three day seminar on writing WPS's,PQR's,and WPQ's.

Where, when, and by who is this offered?

Again, anybody's help would be appreciated.

Parent - - By ross (***) Date 09-04-2007 16:36

One of the features of this forum is that you can click on Strat's name above his post and send him a personal message asking for details of the courses he attended. Let us know what you find out, please.

AWS Marketing
Parent - - By Diversified Date 09-04-2007 17:06

Yea I tried that and his email address is (hidden).

Is there a different way of getting it?

Parent - - By ross (***) Date 09-04-2007 17:17

Yes, in the blue menu above his info, there is a link that says "Send Message." That allows you to send him an email message via the forum server without ever knowing his email address. It also places an alert and a link to your message on his forum homepage when he logs in. And he can reply to you without knowing your email address or revealing his.

Parent - - By Diversified Date 09-04-2007 17:31
Thanks Ross and JW for your help.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-04-2007 18:30
You're welcome :-)
Parent - By firstpass (**) Date 09-23-2007 23:44
NBIC in columbus Ohio ffers three day class on procedures.
Casti in Alberta offers classes on procedures. Another good source of invaluable information can be found in the Casti Publications.  some of the field guides to section 9 explains the questionlabe areas of the asme code whick is written by some people that sit on thecode committees.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / WPS's, PQR's and WPQ's

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