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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / BOP (Bead On Plate) Test
- - By Richard V. Roch (**) Date 08-27-2007 12:35
Does anyone have an idea what the requirments are for a BOP (bead on plate) test in accordance with BS 7363 Type 2 Figure 9? I guess getting the BS spec would do the trick, but I am wondering what type of testing the BOP consists of.
Thanks in advance
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-27-2007 13:43
You might want to contact TWI (The Welding Institute) in the UK because, I have'nt been current with British standards any longer so I could'nt confidently answer your query... I do know that most, if not all BS welding standards have been superceded by EN standards... Here's their website:

Here's a lnk with info on their standards:

Here's where you can purchase the standard you're looking for:

Here's the British version of our own forum only they're a bit more "rowdy" than ours at times and visa versa!!! Here's where you might get a good response with regards to your query:

This one is the British Institute of Non Destructive Testing but, I do'nt know if it will help much:

anywho, that's all I've got for now... I'll post if I find out anything new! ;)

Parent - By PB Mike Date 08-27-2007 19:11
Generally speaking a BOP test is a Vickers hardness survey performed in the HAZ just under the weld of a single bead. This is a test aimed at producing the highest obtainable hardness that may be produced at a particular heat input.

Sorry, I don't know the max hardness value. It depends on the material being welded.

Best regards,

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / BOP (Bead On Plate) Test

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