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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Stud Welding Thru Galv./ Painted Decking
- - By eekpod (****) Date 08-31-2007 14:49
All right, everyone, I need some input.  I just had a question arrise from our in the field QC insp. and I need a few thoughts on it.

D1.1 Section 7 Stud Welding.(2006)

In the field the workers are installing stud welds through 18ga galv decking to the tops of the beams below.  Evidently the top flanges were painted w/ red primer.  Our filed QC told them that they are not allowed to do this because section 7.4.3 Base Metal Prep. doesn't allow the BASE MEtal to be painted.   But the formman brought up a good point, why can he weld through the galvanizing of the decking.

His opion is if he can weld through galv decking, he can weld through a little shop primer.

I see his point, but I pointed out to him that the code specifically addresses in black and white, no paint on base metal(so it can't be done).  But I can't find anywhere where it addresses any coating on decking.  Specifically galv, which is the most  popular coating on decking in the field.

1) I'm open to thoughts on where it may or may not be addressed in the code

2) what really happens out in the field w/ this issue?

3) Do people actually remove the galv before they shoot studs through decking?

I did a search of this topic and there's an interesting post about how the code says one thing but everyone does the exact opposite.  Thats from about 5 years ago, and I'm curious to see what the current trend is, now that we are better conected and educated.

thanks in advance and have a good labor day,  Chris
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 08-31-2007 15:50
Here's a thought.

I go through D1.3 Sheet Steel.  Let's say one is going to arc spot weld (puddle weld) the decking down to the beam below.

Section 4.1 Preperation Of Material, It doesn't list paint as a coating that has to be removed and also it says "a thin rust-inhibitive coating, a galvanized coating, or an anti spatter compound may remain." I'd call red primer a rust-inhibitive coating.

Also 4.1.2 "When galvanized sheet steel or sheet steel having other protective coatings is welded, suitable ventilation shall be provided to prevent the fumes from injuring the welder".

So the sheet steel code allows one to weld through galv and paint on the base metal, as well as the decking, but D1.1 doesn't allow studs to be welded to a painted beam, and doesn't address the coating on the decking at all.  You'd think these two codes would work together, not opposite.
Parent - - By waynekoe (**) Date 08-31-2007 19:09
Two questions need to be answered first. 1. Which process are you using? Stick, or stud gun.; 2. What does your WPS say you can do? Studs shot down to bare steel are prequalified by code. Shoot them down thru deck to painted steel (primer), and you have to qualify your procedure. Fillet welded studs thru galvanized deck to painted steel (primer)requires both procedure and welder qualification (per D1.1 & D1.3). If you have D1.1, dig thru chapter 7 in , its all in there. D1.3 will cover the welding thru deck, but, will refer you back to D1.1 for the balence of the requirements. I quess that primer could be considered as a thin rust prohibative film, if your imagination will stretch that far. After all, it is all open to interpratation. I'm sure some will disagree.
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 09-06-2007 14:48
Thanks for your reply, I've been away for a long weekend and just got back to work today.

This particluar situation isusing the stud gun w/ the ceramic ferrelle, in the flat (downhand ) position.
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 09-06-2007 16:47 Edited 09-06-2007 16:52
A procedure must be qualified when welding studs through decking.  If studs are welded through decking to an uncoated prequalified Group I or II base metal, a procedure must be qualified.  If studs are welded through decking to a coated prequalified Group I or II base metal, a procedure must be qualified.
It's a small wonder to me that they're actually getting any arc on the painted surface.  If they actually are getting a good arc and the studs pass the bend test, I'd ask the EOR if he/she would accept a procedure that is qualified to weld thru decking onto the painted flange, then qualify a procedure and get written approval from the EOR to use it.  I know that the code specifically states no paint, but by the code, an EOR can add to, delete from, or otherwise modify code requirements.  The bottom line is that good quality welds exist between the stud and the painted surface.    
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Stud Welding Thru Galv./ Painted Decking

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