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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Ryder Update
- - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-08-2007 03:26
Hi yall thanks so much for your prayers and support on Tuesday he went in for brain surgery. They put in a shunt to drain the fluid off his lil brain and then they did a biopsy they gave him a 10% chance of coming back from the O R well he came back slept for 2 days but he came back and is now in I C U they removed the breathing tube yesterday and started him on flow oxygen just the lil hoses running into his nose they were removed last night as well as all the I V's he took his first bottle yesterday around 4 and another at 7 n 10 n 1am and finally went to sleep all looks good but we don't have the results back from the biopsy yet sometime next week we should DR said it looks to be highly cancerous but he has fooled them so far and all the prayers are working trust me they are he is alive awake and alert even smiles and didn't do that before he went in he is up to 4 oz. a feeding and burping he has really shocked everyone in the I C U i told them his last name is Griffin you may knock us down but we dot stay down for very long. THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT  you guys just don't know how it feels to have a team of guys like you standing behind you thanks again guys you are truly the best

Shad Griffin
cell: 830-570-0654
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-08-2007 04:21
No one goes before there time. All the dire or positive predictions of men mean nothing in the light of Jesus Christ. Whatever may come, trust that there is a reason for it. Speaking from a personal standpoint, I've been dead, 10 to 15 minutes no heart beat, no breathing, nothing depending on which report your reading (police or EMT). Every now and then I pull out copies of those reports and the police photos to remind me of this as I did just a few minutes ago. 2000 pounds of steel, glass, and rubber at 60mph will put a severe hurt on person standing in it's way. There is no medical explanation why I am still here 25 years as of today for this (Sept. 7, 1982). I should have remained dead, and if not, I should be brain dead. (some say I am but that is another story). Some give me slack about it, but it's something that cannot be understood except by those who've experienced it. However; rest assured from someone who has been to the other side and back, If it is Gods will, your son will pull through it. That Doctor is nothing but a tool of God, and faith and prayer in/to his Son is the real power. I am living proof of the power of God. Believe in him, and nothing is impossible.

With all my prayers for you son,
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-08-2007 04:29
AMEN PRAISE THE LORD thank you so much for sharing your story with me i have the faith and the hope and the positive attitude this just made it stronger i have heard many stories like these and i just keep getting stronger my parents are worried about me because i havent cracked my boy needs to feel my strength and i wont ever crack RIDE RYDER RIDE is what i keep telling him and he hasnt got bucked off yet between him and all of us he's gonna make it PRAISE THE LORD
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-10-2007 04:13
I too, wish the best for Your son.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-12-2007 13:33
well dont know really where to start . we got the diagnosis back yesterday and it is cancer it is a P N E T  tumor on his little brain they are going to try to keep it undrcontrol and possibly shrink it with chemo therapy and when he is old enough possibly remove it and then radiation they say he is to young for radiation right now so yall please keep praying for my son and i'm sure all will be fine with all of rooting for him he'll be just fine i'm sure of it hell he went thru 3 brain surgeries in 5 days with a 10% chance of making it and he's still here they say his chances are 40% i found info on the web that his chances are 60-80% so we'll just keeping kicking and see what happens he sure is a real trooper
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-12-2007 15:36
Well brother, it ain't over till God says it's over. Keep the faith.

With all my prayers,
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Ryder Update

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