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- - By Aspirate (**) Date 09-08-2007 18:20
Where I weld, we aren't allowed to change the stinger (electrode holder) unless it is completely cracked.
Im right handed, and end up holding the rod sometimes with my left hand. 
This is due to the wobble caused by the worn stinger, and Im trying to keep it steady. 
With stick/mig welding gloves, it isn't that bad, until halfway into the run... 
that sh!t gets hot!  I wish we could change the stingers to hold the rod better, but they cost too dang much.

What are someways in addition to a good set of stick/mig gloves to block the heat from the fingers? 
Some kind of Tape wrapped around the fingers help?  
I was able to hold the rod throughout the whole bead once without frying my fingers,
but that was with medium-low amperage (around 75A) on 1/8 rod. 
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-09-2007 04:24
The inside piece of your stingers jaws (the part that actually grips the electrode) are brass or copper and are replacable in most models..  Just take out a set screw and pop on a new piece..

Find out the manufacturer of your stinger and go to their website.
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 09-09-2007 05:11
No offence is intended, but you are in a bad way brother. If your cheap ass boss cannot see the value in supplying you with good equipment not to mention the safety aspects of what you have discribed you need to move on . He is most likely the same S.O.B that thinks $8.50 is top wages for a welder. Haveing just bought some new stingers myself at the unreal price of $28.50 I don't see what the problem is myself, well I do but it has nothing to do with the stinger, and the replacement heads are even less then that for most models. Next thing you know you will be wrapping the cable around a pair of pliers and using that to hold the rods. Yup you need to move on.
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 09-09-2007 07:15
Good heavens, You are stabilizing the rod in the holder by holding it with your other hand and your bosses don't think the stinger is worn enough to be replaced yet?  I looked at a couple of on line welding supply places and the most expensive I saw was a genuine Tweco, bernard style for $45. Cheap Chinese (probably) ones are much less.  For this your bosses are willing to risk a lost time accident because you burn yourself or worse yet fall because you don't have a hand to steady yourself.  That is stupid! 

If I were your boss and had a problem with excessive expense for new electrode holders I would issue a new one to each man with whatever  cable and connection is appropriate to attach it to the end of the current cable.  Then each man is responsible for his own equipment (which truthfully should last for a long time, probably years).

If I were you I might try to sell the above idea to the bosses, failing that I might set it up with my own money, but if they don't have funds for a new stinger they probably don't pay you much either.  It is also possible that others who work there at your level might object since buying your own stuff sets a precedent.

A small round file such as is used to sharpen a chain saw might renew the grooves in the jaw.

A pair of brown jersey gloves inside the welding gloves might help but you really shouldn't have to do that.

A job in a better shop sounds good.

Good luck,
Parent - - By TozziWelding (**) Date 09-09-2007 12:33
Go out and buy your own Bernard Shortstub, bring it in and put it on.
Parent - - By texasrigwelder (**) Date 09-09-2007 23:34
take the insulators of and and smash the ends down flat with a sldge hammer then drill ur grooves back out, or just start putting arc burns on everything and blame it on the stinger i use tillman 750 xl glove they are good with heat
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-10-2007 00:57 Edited 09-24-2007 03:37
If your bossman welds ask him to burn a few rods w/your stinger. If he has no problem then copy him. The groove in the end may not be worn. You can use it and bend the rod to the angle you need. I do that a lot.
I am not taking up for your employer. We have approx 25 guys in our company. Most are OK w/tools, some are good and a few can break an anvil with a soft bristle wire brush. If you demonstrate to your boss that you take care and respect the tools that you use he should understand that things DO wear out and break. Another thing to consider is that the company may be broke. You can look around and see. Not a good place to stay if that is the case. If they are just that cheap I wouldn't want to work in that environment for too long.

You can explain to your boss that lost productivity, gloves with holes in them, potential injury (burns bad enough = dr visit = workers comp) and wasted rods because of the worn out stinger greatly outway the cost of a new electrode holder. If you are a conscientious worker and do not use the stinger as a sledge hammer :) and you can't get a stinger replaced if it NEEDS to be I would consider looking for a new place to work. Good luck.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-10-2007 05:09
I like the posts here especilly Tims....

If they are that tight with a stinger then they are that tight with wages/quality.   I suggest you bide your time and just try to find another venue of work.  I have worke some slave shops in my younger days and its just a waste of your time....this sounds like one   just advance your self and let them die thier slow death.

edit spelling mistakes
Parent - - By JA (**) Date 09-10-2007 11:01 Edited 09-10-2007 12:09
is a joke or what....?

if this is true , give this cheap bxxxxxd one more chance , tell him you need a new stinger , if he won't comply , shove it up his xxx and quit..........
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 09-11-2007 01:11
Be a professional.  Go out and buy your own stinger / electrode holder.  If you won't do that, and you don't want to quit, go home, change your skirt and tell your mommy what a cheap meany your boss is!
Parent - - By Aspirate (**) Date 09-11-2007 04:53 Edited 09-11-2007 05:49
Thank yall for all the responses!
Boss mann said "If it holds ya rod, then its all good." 
Which, it does hold, and he showed me. 
He wont try it out because he's an old retired pipe welder and wont even strike an arc on plate. 

I'm trying to do this without buying things, or quitting all of the sudden.  I'll just give it a few days.  I tried tightening the jaw pieces that hold the bare end of the rod.  The rod would still suddenly jump at times as I weld,
which to me, is annoying with 7018, because I end up spending more time grinding and re-welding.  Tried bending and wrapping the rod around the stinger with ok results, but the flux would end up cracking which is
a waste of quality rod and wastes time bending it to keep it stable.  If I were doing other process, I wouldn't want the electrode / tungsten to jump all of the sudden.   I guess its normal in smaw, since rods have some flex.  Judge if you will, but I'm actually use to welding with mig and tig.  Although, I don't do use those processes in this job.
Again.. I'll probably give it a few days, then I'd quit if all goes bad.  It may be pissing me off right now, but I dont want to give up just yet. 
What good is it, if the rod is jumping around? I could use a free hand to hold on as Im welding to not fall off.
For stabilizing the rod with my left hand, I ended up trying a small glove + the main glove on top of it with good results. 
It would retain heat in the inner glove after a few runs.  I just have to stop at times and take it off to cool.

Anyone know a material for the inner glove would dissipate heat more effectively than leather?
Just trying to bring up a valid question. There has to be a little trick to this trade (smaw in this case). 

Thanks yall again for all the comments and concerns. :-)
Parent - By JA (**) Date 09-11-2007 11:01
you don't have to insert the rod in its proper slot to maintain the angle you need , just squeeze the jaws open as far as they will go , and stick the rod down in the lowest possible place , this will at least hold it from wobbling around while your welding....

oh , and thanks for the laugh Joe.........
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-11-2007 18:35 Edited 09-11-2007 18:38
Hi Aspirate!
To answer your question about whether or not "there has to be a trick to this trade (smanw in this case)."

If you can't do that, then you need to reach deep down inside of yourself, or rather between your legs, and pull out whatever amount of courage that God put inside of you, and use it!!! Otherwise in this case, Joe's advice seems adequate for you... No offense kid but, it is what it is!!! If you consider yourself a man, then start acting like one - Capiche as my friend Jon likes to spell it although, I spell it Capish because that's how we spell it in Brooklyn!!! C'mon youngster!!! Show some "Cojones"!!! (Co-hon-es) = "Testicular Fortitude!!!"

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 09-11-2007 18:43
Henry, you're making me laugh again.......  THANKS!  Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-11-2007 20:00 Edited 09-11-2007 20:02
Hi Allen!

If I made you laugh again, then whatever else happened throughout this day, I can say I accomplished something positive!!! :) ;) :) Besides, you deserve a laugh or two with all the stuff you have to put up with everyday as an educator and believe me you, it takes one to know one so, enjoy my friend. :) :) :)

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 09-11-2007 23:02
Well Henry, as I said, thanks. Just going through all of the preparations for starting out a new quarter. At our place here we have a full week of meetings, preparatory assignments, and other things that the administration has dreamed up to take up our time. I would really rather just jump in with the students, but unfortunately I don't get to make that call. Have a bunch of new administrators and faculty and staff so everyone is jockeying to see if they can figure out what makes each other tick, that's always interesting too. I know that all of us who work in any part of the educational aspect of the trades have to go through similar but probably different types of challenges in these areas. It's good to know that we're not alone in all of this. I would wish you and others great successes as we all go about getting ready or continuing on with challenges in the educational field. Regards, Allan
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-12-2007 00:01


Call your gas supplier and make sure you have a drop at the time that horrible inservice session is scheduled.

Next,  Have that repair vendor schedule his visit right in the middle of the inevitable touchy-feely portion of your week.

Offer to pay them extra to hunt you down and pull you out of meetings... A hoagie goes a long way in this business!

Next.... Drop everything to deal with that nasty gas leak..... We can't have inert gas leaking all over the place at tax payer expence now can we?
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 09-12-2007 03:49
Lawrence, doggone it, I forgot to make the necessary arrangements to pull all of those things off. But you have given me some ideas. Here after all these years, it takes a post from one my comrades in arms from halfway across the nation to bring me to see the light on some of these most important issues. I do sincerely appreciate this invaluable information. Thanks, Lawrence I'm enjoying the mental picture of seeing the look on my deans face while I'm carrying out these important and necessary tasks.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-12-2007 04:49
Hi Aevald!

Such grace and eloquence in your written word!!! I hope it's contagious. ;) ;) ;)
I now have recieved the pleasure of of both experiencing your communal spirit, and Larry's good natured humor!!! It kind of makes up for the witnessing of some folks becoming ambivalent to the importance of Remembering the horror, the blatant act of terrorism that was perpetrated towards our fellow citizens - SIX YEARS AGO. :(

We will overcome!!! We will win!!! So long as we never forget what happened today, on the same day of the week, SIX years ago!!! I can talk more but then again, I have too much respect towards the ones that perished, and their families -  SIX Years Ago!!! I also have too much respect towards the ones that so Galantly and Heroically sacrifice themselves on a daily basis to defend each other, and us from the current terrorist threat!!! Finally, I owe it to the Men and Women of our armed forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice while defending our freedom... I was becoming angry, but now I feel blessed that instead, I chose humor, and humanity as opposed to insane rage and for that, I am GREATFUL!!!
Once again thanks for calming me down. ;)

Henry :) :) :)
Parent - - By Root Pass (***) Date 09-23-2007 23:32
Do they let you have a hammer...?

Bust that sucker into a million pieces.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-24-2007 02:37
Hi Root Pass!

Could you please elaborate further as to what you just wrote?

Parent - - By Root Pass (***) Date 09-24-2007 20:36
USS Michigan, I think that fella at the top of the page with the broken stinger needs to use his hammer and make it "inop".

Root Pass
Parent - - By jd369 (**) Date 09-25-2007 13:48
I have to ask Root Pass, what does INOP stand for?
Parent - By Root Pass (***) Date 09-25-2007 15:59
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-27-2007 17:24
Hi Rootpass!
Btw, thanks for the clarification, and I concurr Wholeheartedly!!! :) :) :)

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 09-27-2007 20:32
I think he needs to go home and cry to his mommy!
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-05-2007 22:40
Joe Bob - fly a kite..........
Parent - - By roostenmotherbr (*) Date 09-28-2007 03:40
Hello Aspirate , I don't use the angles the stinger gives you any way, if your shop has a grinder that works, grind out the copper a little, then put the rod down as far as you can in the holder, with it open all the way, if that don't work, swing it around your head and hit something solid, this will calibrate it, if that don't work its time for a replacement. I do suggest, as mentioned is these posts, to get your own stinger and take it home with you, but thats not the point, I would just try the swing around your head trick first. If nothing works for you, try a hose clamp, I liked the liked the idea about putting your rod in some vice grips.
good luck Aspirate.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 09-28-2007 04:23
I like the hoseclamp idea too,and i would make sure it took at least 10 minutes to change a rod!
Parent - By roostenmotherbr (*) Date 09-28-2007 05:30
YEA!!!! Thats what I'm talking about.....
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-05-2007 22:52
Try a Bernard stinger - you will not regret it.

When I started doing wellheads i started using them, because I couldn't drop rods down the well. They rock.........I'm telling you!
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 10-05-2007 23:03
Hey Sourdough, are you referring to the "short stubs"? I'm a big fan of those, particularly if you're going to be doing a lot of vertical welding. Regards, aevald
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-05-2007 23:05
lock - spark- and arc...yep yep........
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 09-27-2007 17:39
Try a Bernard stinger. They dont wear out as fast, and keep your rod fixed in one spot. They are all I'll use......
Parent - - By monsoon12 (**) Date 09-29-2007 00:58
First let me say i love america,Though what part of this great country are you working in so i know to stay away lol.
Parent - - By Aspirate (**) Date 09-29-2007 19:45
The south!  I just noticed last night my neck became RED
from all the tig yesterday.  Also, from all the tiggers working near me.
Maybe I need one of dem bibs that goes in the front and sides of the helmet.
Parent - - By monsoon12 (**) Date 09-29-2007 21:19
Had a feeling thats where you were located.Worked down that way awhile back.An im sorry but not a nice time.My advice for you is run like hell lol.
Parent - - By Aspirate (**) Date 09-29-2007 21:58
what area are you working in?
Parent - - By monsoon12 (**) Date 09-29-2007 23:10
Im in the north now.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-29-2007 23:50
ROTFLMFAO!!!! ;) ;) ;)
Parent - - By monsoon12 (**) Date 09-30-2007 01:02
ssbn727 there are also 2 kind of ships.One is a surface ship an the other is a sunken one.LOL
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-30-2007 07:42
Parent - - By Aspirate (**) Date 09-30-2007 01:03
I might move up there.  Though, I'd probably wanna strike an arc asap to beat the cold.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-05-2007 22:54
Please come to CO and be my's been a long time since a real welder stole my work.........
Parent - - By Aspirate (**) Date 10-06-2007 03:54
the first thing I'd do when I get there, is go to the local, (not onion)
and pick up nipples from the rack or use some coupons to get them.
All that cold & low atm pressure could make them start to show some crack. 
Way back in my career, I had a problem with cracks. They were appearing out of nowhere.
I was striking with my rod and known to be whipping too much ..maybe too far from the groove. 
Still got CJP from them joints. Though, I remember we rolled them, because that was the easiest way.
I'd complete! , but on some nipples.  Up there hardness increases and ductility decreases? 
I'd try to stay away from any crack-sensitive conditions (especially in CO).
I guess its the documentary I saw on the latest propagation.
Parent - - By XPERTFAB (**) Date 10-06-2007 06:37 Edited 10-06-2007 06:41
The only real "crack sensitive conditions in Colorado" are #1, when "the lab" in the hotel room next door to you blows up from some type of "mis-proportioning in the recipe" or #2, when the waist band of your "migratory longjohns" comes to rest at a position closer to your knee caps then your navel.  To this condition add a little north/south wind, some snow, a few warm welding sparks from the overhead full pen beam splice your working on from the very top rung of the ladder with your arms at full extension and you've got "Crack Sensitive Conditions."   At these times I wish those Tillman leather jackets had tuxedo tails.  The other crack sensitive conditions you speak have been easily overcome here with well developed knowledge and some skillfully applied technique.

Aspirate!!  On the issue of the defective stinger, are you for real?  If you are that hard up that you cannot get a new stinger together, then communicate to your boss the fact that the average price of a just a 4 1/2" hard wheel is about three bucks each and by your account you are using a couple or moe of these a day. repairing defective welds owing to the crappy stinger.   With that "revelation" even the stingiest Bozo of a boss can figure out that the cheapest Radnor or what have you brand stinger would be paid for in less then a weeks time with the  savings hard wheels alone.
Failing that attempt, send me your address and I will send you a stinger.  But remember this!  This time we will somewhat understand that the problem is your bosses fault.  The next time........... well that may be another story!
Learn this! There are basically two kinds of people in the world with regards to circumstances like these.  The first group known as Ninety-five percenters who have things like this happen to them and then moan badly in a poor me fashion, blaming everyone else for their problems.  The others are the remaining group of "Go-Getters" known as the Five-Percenters whom make things happen for them so crap like what you describe does not land in their lap.
As you can see this forum is full of people who make things happen for them.  Therefore it is easy to see that most here are of the five percent side of things.  Even Sourdough, on his current deployment in the waste water treatment aquarium, is making it happen in the most trying of circumstances.  Would not surprise me one bit if he figures a ways to make Bio-diesel from all the "discoveries" he had made there!  Not trying to belittle you or your situation but consider this; if your were intelligent to learn to weld as well as you claim, then you are certainly smart enough to figure your way to better in this circumstance.  I don't care if your boss welded pipe, plate, beer cans or even the crack of dawn together; if he is this much of an ignoranus then find a way to get him the heck out your way so you can move to greatness!  Welding/Ironwork is a trade made mostly of smart, crafty, inteligent, skilled people whom are very proud of what they do.  Weakness or inadequacy is not well tolerated here.  If you need help, then someone is likely to help you if you ask with some respect and maintain for yourself proper respect and dignity.  This trade, as well as the rest of your life, rewards personal excellence so go out and make some for yourself.  To get you started in the right  direction the stinger you need is on me.  Just get me the shipping information and the amperage range your running at. 
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-06-2007 07:10
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 10-07-2007 04:01
Now there's a true five percenter!
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 10-07-2007 04:14
My boss wont buy me a new welder!!!!!
Parent - - By XPERTFAB (**) Date 10-07-2007 06:35
My boss won't buy me a new welder either!  But if you should get yours to acutally do this for you, then let the rest of know the trick to it.
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