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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Jerky wire feed
- - By pyb Date 09-09-2007 17:16
I have a Clarke 130EN the wire feed just started a jerky typr feed when welding it seems to feed fine when you just pull the trigger to feed wire. Thanks for any and all help/ideas
Parent - - By TANKIE (*) Date 09-09-2007 19:11
sounds like the liner inside the whip may need to be changed out with a new one you can get those at any local welding supply 
Parent - By Cole Welding (**) Date 09-09-2007 21:07
or it maybe the wheels on the feeder
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 09-09-2007 22:34
Start  by pinching the wire as it comes out of the tip,see if it stops or has enough strength to push through your fingers.
If you can stop it,check your tip,could be its grabbing the wire when it gets hot.check your feeder wheels to make sure they are adjusted right, too tight can flatten the wire, I use the pinching technique to set the tension so it just feeds while pinching.
check your ground, make sure your lead is not twisted, if all that fails you can check your liner.
If it feeds good while not welding sounds like a tip.   Good Luck!
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-10-2007 03:30
In addition to the other suggestions, be sure the wire hasn't gotten rusty or rust spotted, and try the felt wire lube pads from a welding supplier.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-10-2007 05:12
ctaker has given the best advice for diagnosis of wire feedrate problems succinctly and without leftovers.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-10-2007 15:47
Hi pyb!
Ummm Not completely!

If the wire is "jerky" when it starts to feed, and once you start to weld - it no longer feels like it's "jerky"...
Is this the actual scenario? I would also check the tightness of the gas diffuser, and the spool tension for any abnormalities... One more thing to check besides the the compression on the wire from the drive rolls is to check the alignment of the groove with other components within the feeder mechanism or if you have two drive rolls, check the alignment of the grooves to each other, and then the other components within the feeder mechanism...

If everything else checks out including the proper installation of all components associated with the wire feed system form beginning to end, then check first the installation of the liner and see if it is correct before changing the liner itself. I say this because some times feeder problems may be the result of some minor readjustment as opposed to constantly changing parts that in the long term, can drive up the costs of maintaining the equipment unecessarily. ;)

Everybody's suggestions beside my own, should lead you down the right path in solving your feeding problem so, when one troubleshoots a problem, one must take everything into consideration. :) :) :)

Henry but, you can call me "Hank"
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Jerky wire feed

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