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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / NTRC 50 to 316L SST
- - By tkarlson&assoc Date 09-11-2007 03:53
I just starting working for T. Karlson & Associates of Texas. I'm new to welding and i am having problems with welding the two together. Working with wire feed Magnatec wire feed R1 head.  When welding samples to get the schedule right its fine but when I switch to the couplers its hit and miss.  Out of four sent to x-ray only one passed.  I can up the wire down the amps or vise versa then slow it down and speed it up. Never consistant results, not sure the only thing i have left is we arn't sure if the coupler made of NTRC 50 is material match or if its chemical match. Any help would be much appreciated.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 09-12-2007 02:24
Not quite sure that I follow you. Samples of what and couplers I'm not familiar with. Are you talking pipe coupons? If so what joint configuration? What was the reason 3 of 4 failed xray? One of the advantages of mechanized welding is the repeatability. Have the machine and cables been calibrated recently? I'm not familiar w/the R1 head but the D head has all the functions to fine tune the arc. Please provide more info and hopefully someone on the forum can help.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / NTRC 50 to 316L SST

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