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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Ferrite Content determination-ISO 8249
- - By gpnaban2000 Date 09-13-2007 15:33
As per ISO 8249  Which location i have to take Ferrit Content measurement to qualify  PQR (SS TP 312 Gr 321 material) .If any body have ISO 8249 kindly send to my email id.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-14-2007 01:42
What your asking is a copywright infringement and illegal. Suggest you buy the standard to make it above the board.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 09-16-2007 05:27 Edited 09-16-2007 05:30
good call gerald, and i am sure that was an over site on your part gp but the integrity of this forum is up to the users.
(man am i proud of myself for saying it like that, besides if i were to use proper welding vernacular, they would delete my post or at least it would look like  #@!#%^^*&&_+*^&$%$^#^^%$$)
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Ferrite Content determination-ISO 8249

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