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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / any known problems with the dynasty 200DX
- - By phatman Date 09-14-2007 19:13
I'm looking at buying a Dynasty 200DX for my hobby welder. it will be used at a home shop and i will be using it for a chomoly frame and some mild steal and some aluminium. anyway my question is is there any problems with this unit? I ask Because i just got off the phone with a dealer and he's telling me that it has problems with the inverter ( replacement every three years). and more over, that it's inverter when it does go out cost nearly as much as the welder its self. is this true?

thanx for any info you can give.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-14-2007 20:22
Sounds like you were on the phone with a Lincoln dealer  :)

I don't think Dynasty 200DX hase even been on the market for 3 years.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-15-2007 01:16
I totally agree with Lawrence!!! :) :) :)
Had to be a Lincoln rep!!! Probably because they have nothing available to compare with the performance capabilities of the Miller Dynasty 200DX within the same price structure... Especially when it comes to the features the Dynasty offers for welding Aluminum!!! ;)

You treat your equipment in the best possible manner and it will outperform itself for you for years to come!!! If you do'nt, I do'nt care how well it's made, it will become inevitable to premature failure!!! I lost track of how many shops I walked into, and notice how bad they were treating their equipment!!! Only to hear fro mthem later remarking: "Well we never considered cleaning the equipment from deposits of grinding dust or other particulates!!!" The person obviously never bothered to read the maintenance part of the instruction manual. :( They would counter with: "Well the other machine we had - lasted a little bit longer!" Yet, it also eventually succumbed to the consistent attack of grinding dust, and other particulates that eventually stopped it from performing well. :(

Let's face it folks!!! These machines need to breathe just like us humans do, so the more junk that accumulates within their components inside - the higher the probability for some inevitable premature component failure occuring inside the machine's gut's so to speak much like what occurs in the human body after such long term abuse from too much overeating, smoking and/or drinking -Capish???
Maybe I'm asking too much but, in this case common sense goes a long way!!! :) :) :)

Parent - By phatman Date 09-15-2007 19:36
think what the guy is basing his opinion on is the reputation the inverter welders have had. that being said, i plan to just go to a different dealer. thanx for the responces.
Parent - By EVWELDER (**) Date 09-15-2007 15:22
Hello Phatman where I work we have four dynasty 700 and three dynasty 350 we have tried the 200 it struggled a little with some things that were thicker than 1/8" thick aluminum but if its just for hobby work it should be fine you may just need some helium mix to weld thicker material,but as far as the dynasty series themselves they are great I previously used the aerowaves and the dynasty is a much better machine no problems as of yet been while since we had the machines and the work from 12 to 14 hour days 6 days a week welding alumium.
Parent - By rlitman (***) Date 09-19-2007 04:10
Had mine since the summer of '04 now.  Ran though maybe 20 lbs of stick rod, and 15 argon tanks (in other words, in the years I've had it, I've messed up about as many welds as some of you guys do beautifully in a day or two).  No problems caused by the machine, but I almost cried the time I "thought" the machine had died.
I was all set up for TIG, but when I pushed the pedal, I only got the sounds of the HF "clicking", but no arc.  Ground checked out fine, but then I saw whisps of smoke emerging from the machine, I was distraught.  The fix . . . really no problem, but you need the background.  Here's what happened:
I had mounted my 200DX vertically, strapped to a hand truck, next to the argon tank, so the vents faced up.  After a day of much grinding, some of the dust must have gotten inside, and shorted the HF gap.  30 seconds of blowing out the machine with shop air fixed that, and it runs like new again.  Now, I keep a canvas cover over it when I'm not welding.

BTW, I bought mine with a finger control, figuring it would be the most useful (in case I had to TIG out of position), but since most of what I do is on the bench, I am much happier with the pedal.  Its almost impossible for me to turn the dial enough without moving the torch.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / any known problems with the dynasty 200DX

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