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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / power wave 1000 problem
- - By darren (***) Date 09-14-2007 22:47
our sub arc has had an electrical leak of about 4.5 volts for a few months(maybe since we got it) and maintenance couldn't isolate it and as a oh and s committee member
i wouldn't let a junior employee keep working when if they touched the welded item and the tower they received a shock of varying degrees. a guy near retirement thought its ok to continue working(management said that if he wants to weld i couldn't stop him, you gotta pick your battles) well after a few hours of diagnosis by my self i isolated the circuit and had no explanation but a 'leak' from the source. it turns out that Lincoln has just discovered a leak in the high frequency in the ac circuit.
any other people with this problem or power source if you could put in your experiences. Lincoln says that they will have a solution in a short time (no pun intended).
please keep it simple for me please. you can use all those five dollar words for others that may chime in but I'll need the edges taken off for me to understand.

also we are having transverse cracks in our stops, i will get more info on the wire flux and other particulars but we've never had them before just started popping up in the past few months.
Parent - - By mittzs05 Date 09-20-2007 17:27
Darren - The PowerWave AC/DC 1000 does not utilize high frequency.  There are no current, or pending service issues with this system.  In addition, your weld cracking issues are not a result of the power source.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 09-20-2007 19:24
since weve gotten a response from lincoln about this issue and they are figuring out a remidy, as they have determined that we indded do have a leak and there are others who have the same trouble it is recognized as a machine issue. it is probably true that the unit does not use high freq and i was not the one who initiated the idea our maintenance man did.
you sound rather emphatic and only have one post. perhaps you could explain your reasoning and position within the welding world so i can understand the weight i should give to the response . thank you for your input and wait for further info so as to be able to understand our problem to its fullest
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / power wave 1000 problem

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