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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / SA200 voltage regulator
- - By bbcrtny Date 09-19-2007 04:30
Looking for an after market part number such as NAPA or Delco for the engine charging system voltage regulator.  It's the one that is mounted under the alternator on the channel that the front engine mount sits on, looks more like a relay than a regulator.  The Lincoln part number is S14909.

Thanks for ant help

Parent - - By pipeliner01 (**) Date 09-20-2007 15:01
My 56 shorthood has one of those things too, when it craps out my repair guy said just replace it with an alternator for a chevy 350, much more reliable supposedly, and less wiring too.  I know some fellas that rebuild old 200's and that's all they do, the alternators are fairly cheap around $80-$100 canadian at partsource or napa, that would probably be around $70-$90 USD.  I'm not sure if there's a partsource in the US as they're a division of canadian tire but I know Napa is there, anyways that's just what I hear good luck.
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 09-20-2007 22:19
bob, get rid of the voltage reg. the new alternators are built with the reg. inside. this will clean your frame up and the wires running to it.
Parent - By bbcrtny Date 09-21-2007 18:09
Thanks for the information, got a Delco alternator to put on it.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / SA200 voltage regulator

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