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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / sa 200 arc going out Any pineliners in here ?
- - By Roadhand (**) Date 09-21-2007 01:05
I bought a 1970 sa 200, Im on the firing line with this. Im having a problem with the arc going out @ the 3:00 and the 6:00 on the pipe. I was also on the clamps today putting in the root and the same thing happens. I dont remember what I had it set on for the fill and cap but when I was putting in the root the range selector was on the 130/80  fine tune was 80 . (1/8 8010) Thanks in advance
Parent - - By downhandonly (***) Date 09-21-2007 03:30
go up a range
Parent - - By Roadhand (**) Date 09-21-2007 20:00
I tried that , it seems to dig way to much.
Parent - - By Roadhand (**) Date 09-21-2007 22:21
Could it be that someone rolled the rack ,or maybe I need to turn the RPMs up. In the lat 80's I had a 69 sa two hunderd that did'nt weld like this.
Parent - - By downhandonly (***) Date 09-22-2007 00:10
take the gaurd off the generator and look on the rack to see if the punch mark lines up my 81 sa 200 has the marks opposite the set screw that you need to loosen to roll your rack. the 300d i just got rid of had the marks on the same side as the set screw. TAKE IT EASY IF YOU ROLL YOUR RACK WHEN YOU TIGHTEN IT BACK UP IT'S CAST AND YOU WILL HEAR A "SNAP" THAT MEANS YOU JUST BROKE THE EAR OFF IT AND THAT REALLY SUCKS. set it back so the two halfs of the punch marks line up and pick up a hand held tach with a rubber end and set your rpm's to 1550 and try it. if you spin those old girls past 1600 the rope seal between the generator and the engine will not last long. been there done that. if you need more jam roll your rack clockwise if you were looking at the end with the faceplate. you should only go half a punchmark at a time and I wouldn't go any further than a whole one. I have tried everything you can think of to hot rod these things and the best thing to do is set it all back to bone stock and run her in third range to run beads with 1/8 5p+ on pipeline. good luck
Parent - By Roadhand (**) Date 09-22-2007 01:19
Thanks downhandonly, Im going to tack off the truck in the am and work on it.
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 09-22-2007 02:09
what adjustments did you make to your carb when you hauled it from oklahoma to florida. when you adjusted the carb, did you mess with the idle may need to speed  it up.
Parent - By Roadhand (**) Date 09-22-2007 02:40
I turned up the idel just a tad so it would rev up when I struck a arc.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / sa 200 arc going out Any pineliners in here ?

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