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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Recommend a good TIG torch...
- - By jason280 (*) Date 09-22-2007 18:48
I recently picked up a Lincoln Invertech v250-S, and need a recommendation for a TIG torch to use with this machine.  I all ready have a shield bottle and regulator, so all I need is the torch itself (and possibly a foot amptrol).  Thanks!
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 09-22-2007 22:51
I use a weldcraft myself ,air cooled. simple and light weight. But if you are doing any heavy work I'd look into water cooled the torch won't be much more but the the water cooler runs around $350.00 unless your paying in american peso could cost a little more today.
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 09-23-2007 01:48
I have nothing good to say about Miller water cooled torches...Weldcraft works for me!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-23-2007 02:04
I too would recommend a Weldcraft if you are going to TIG very much definitely get a water cooled torch.   A Weldcraft WP-20 is probably my favorite torch and it is reasonably priced  (250 amp water cooled).  The SF torches have flexable heads which is neat but the handles are long and often times you fight that xtra two inches of handle especially left handed or holding it backwards.   There are other brands but Weldcraft is sold practically everywhere, lots of parts interchangeability, they are of good quality and reliable.

You do not necessarily have to purchase a water circulating radiator setup at the moment.   You can simply hook the torch up to a water supply with a good adjustable valve and run your return line out to a don't need a whole lot of flow to cool your torch just a solid stream of water with very light will use a bit of water this way but probably no more than say watering your lawn once over the course of a month.

A foot pedal is awfull handy to have...if you never used one you won't really miss it but once you do you will find it hard to live without.
Parent - - By jason280 (*) Date 09-23-2007 02:22
Reality is, I won't be doing much TIG work right now.  In fact, I will be using this more to practice with than anything, as I have yet to TIG before.  I've done a little gas welding, and I would like to try my hand at TIG welding.  I'm not sure at this point I really need a water cooled torch, but I do understand my machine will do 250a and that can get hot pretty quickly.  For right now, I will probably limit most of my TIG to 1/8-3/16" metals until I get at least a little proficient at it.  
Parent - By rtnnhazel (*) Date 09-23-2007 17:46
i run a series 9 torch (air cooled). not sure if they come watercooled? but i have had no problems with air cooled torches and i weld almost everyday. just my two cents.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Recommend a good TIG torch...

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