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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / RT REQUIRED WIRE AND DENSITY
- - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-27-2007 03:23
To any with an opinion,

Most of my career when viewing film I've always judged it by the density requirements of the referenced code, most often section V.
As of 02 API 620 and several other codes have come out with the following statement or one close to it:
Except as modified in this section, the radiographic
examination method employed shall be in accordance
with Section V, Article 2 of the ASME Code. The
requirements of T-285 in Section V, Article 2, are to be used
only as a guide. Final acceptance of radiographs shall be
based on the ability to see the prescribed image quality indicator
(IQI) (penetrameter) and the specified hole or wire.

Does this mean the density requirements of ASME V are null and void?
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 09-27-2007 14:34
i'm glad i'm out of RT. that sounds like nothing but many many headaches!! considering the ability to almost always show a wire. i wonder how many thousands of rejects will be missed yearly due to this thinking.
Parent - - By Bcuth Date 12-14-2007 16:10
T-285 in Section V, Article 2 deals with Geometric Unsharpness and has nothing to do with density requirements.  It is referring to the formula that will determine if the particular shot setup is acceptable and will fall within the UG limits.  The code also states that if you can see the required penetrameter hole/wire, then the UG factor does not have to be within said limits.  The ability to see the required hole/wire shall determine the proceedure requirement for acceptance/rejection.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 12-15-2007 01:35
"T-285 in Section V, Article 2, are to be used
only as a guide."
2004 edition section V
That particular sentence doesn't apply to begin with. Don't see where your coming from on your statement.
I never said anything about t 285 calling out density requirements. This paragraph is out of API 620 04 addenda btw. Not section V
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / RT REQUIRED WIRE AND DENSITY

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