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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Pursuing a commercial diving career
- - By Frontier2k1 (*) Date 09-27-2007 03:58
I have been seriously considering a commercial diving career and I am wondering what schools are rated what and where have people been so on and so forth. I am originally from Texas and wouldn't mind going back for school there in houston but I am curious as what things have been said as to what is the "best" school to go to. Thanks!
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 09-27-2007 06:09
Hello frontier2k1, if you go to the search function on the forum here and look under underwater welding you will likely find various threads dedicated to the very question that you are asking. Try that and see what comes up. Likely, you will also receive posts from others in response to your question. As you may already be aware there are various schools scattered throughout the U.S., some on the west coast, some in the gulf, and some on the east coast, many of these schools offer additional skills such as salvage and repair as well as underwater welding. Regards, aevald
Parent - - By Frontier2k1 (*) Date 09-27-2007 17:39
Thanks, I have done some searching on here and I didn't come up with any solid answers, most just listing schools that offer the programs associated with commercial diving. I am specifically interested in "the ocean corp." as it is in houston and I wouldn't mind moving on back to TX but only found one person to say they liked it and no other info.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 09-27-2007 20:01
Hello Frontier2k1, the only school that I have any familiarity with is the Divers Institute located on Lake Washington in the Seattle, WA. area. So I guess I can't really be of much further help. Suffice to say that you have attempted to go about looking at the schools in the correct manner, mainly try to find graduates and get their take on the school and how well they feel their schooling prepared them for the real world. Also inquire about the various types of training, how long, how intense, is there any job placement assistance or does the school have a valid recognition out in the industry? Good luck, I hope your questions get answered and you are able to pursue your dream to a successful resolution. Best regards, aevald
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Pursuing a commercial diving career

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