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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Millermatic 35-S
- - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-28-2007 00:46
Just took an old Millermatic 35-S out of mothballs and fired it up to show the students an example of a multi tap GMAW power supply.

The thing has an HE beginning to the serial number so that makes me think its a 1970s vintage.

Oh .... My .... Goodness!

That thing is a short circuiting marvel.

0.030 ER70S-6 and 75/25

I did some cluster joints; 3/16 open root square groove, Tee, Lap.  They were better than anything I've done all year, including RMD and STT.

I mean the sound the thing makes when it short circuits..... Its like singing bees

So I got cocky put her on Tap #1 and pulled out some 21 gauge (0.035)  and made up some Tee's.......... The thing diddn't even balk. No burn through, no spatter, looked just about like GTAW.

Sorry but I just had to blather to somebody who can really appreciate this.

No wonder auto body guys will brawl in the streets for one of these things.

And I was thinking about shipping the thing out to save space....  Not on your life buddy.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 09-28-2007 01:00
Hello Lawrence, you've got me chuckling again. I don't have the particular machine that you are speaking of, but I do have a gem of an older Hobart power source. The machine that I've got is a motor/generator wirefeed power source(feature that, it actually has CV output), it's similar in construction to the older lincoln torpedoes, but designed to run wire. It's referred to as a Hobart microwire power source. I can tell you this, when it comes to running spray-transfer/hardwire this baby sings, it also runs dual-shield wire like no tomorrow. Got a 10 HP 3-phase motor that drives the generator portion of the machine and is oh-so-smooth. I had to tell you this Lawrence, as I can tell from the excitement in your post that you're having fun with your piece of history. Short-arc on! Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-28-2007 02:19
Lawrence: That makes sense when You think about it, A tapped power source has got to be easier to smooth out than a powersource using little bursts from an SCR. Sort of the same reasoning that 3 phase rectified is smoother than single phase rectified, and a generator being smoothest of all.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 09-28-2007 12:54
The MFG's should have never tied to improve the old stuff, you just can't beat it. On those old machines you can replace each part individually and you can clean the contacts in the relays and contactor unlike the new equip where it's all on a pc board. I'm a blue blood though. I love Millers equip, new and old.

Thats why we don't sell equip, only repair. The vintage stuff is worth its weight in gold as far as I am concerned. But with more and more people getting into this industry that know less and less about the mechanics of it all, they need a machine that will preset itself so all they have to do is watch the weld puddle and go.
Parent - - By aametalmaster (*) Date 09-28-2007 21:36
The MM35 is the grand daddy of todays mig welder. If it wasn't for the success of it we wouldn't have migs in our home shops. I had a few of the MM35's and its pretty close to my MM185 as far as size...Bob
Parent - - By aametalmaster (*) Date 09-28-2007 23:43
The thing has an HE beginning to the serial number so that makes me think its a 1970s vintage.

Parent - By TozziWelding (**) Date 09-28-2007 23:54
It is kind of like when a 50 year old SA-200, out welds a new anything:) .
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Millermatic 35-S

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